Stupid Sexy Flanders.

"It's just that school sucks…So you remember…that school sucks?"

You get your ass out there and you find the fuckin' dog!

I'm still waiting for the CGI backlash
that's probably never going to happen.

In fact, I wouldn't put it past Hollywood to make "Snuggies:The Movie"
Why not?

When most people think of Moneyball and how it changed baseball, they mostly refer to taking walks. This was hardly the point. It was about taking advantage of market inefficiency and exploiting assets that are overvalued. In 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004, the A's had a different closer each year. This is because nearly

Gritty reboot in six years?


I saw Mulholland Dr. once and didn't get it.
Can someone explain it for me?

"It just seems like there's still light coming in from under the door"
I can't think of a better thespian born to play a part than Will Arnett.

In a few years I expect the FCC to lax its standards out of the sake of compulsion
And the bigger networks could actually have a leg up on creating better dramas than just remaking SVU for third time. DVD sales and such for cable shows are more and more becoming an enticing cash cow. How many people do you know have

shit sandwich

Does anyone else feel they didn't accomplish enough this week?
It's Pete And Pete time again already?

They all die!

The Hangover: Epilogue; A Cavalcade of Existentialism

The Hangover: Epilogue; A Cavalcade of Existentialism

In accordance with our wonderfully reasonable discussions…
Steve Holt!

The Wii U
Jack of all trades, master of none.

When the original Star Wars was in production, the release was delayed several times
When The Phantom Menace was in production, there were printouts that read "Episode One is coming out May 1999, No Matter What"

Is Ghost Hunters next?
or whatever that show's called

So, would you rather have
a medium amount of really good pizza, or a large amount of pretty good pizza?