Stupid Sexy Flanders.

Your outfield is stacked, but you have an obvious lack of middle infielders. Jose Bautista is good enough to start his own cult, though.

There's two Michael Ceras
Michael Cera awkward in a hoodie


Why was a 14 year old girl with no military experience involved in the strategy of defeating an invading droid army? Why did a the droid army need a 14 year old girl to force her to sign a treaty? Why was a 14 year old girl elected to the throne? Why elect a queen, but apparently no king? Why did her royalty have a

How derps does it get?

He's still trying to top Herbie: Fully Loaded

Shit My Dad Says was an F

Check your lease man, 'cause you're living in (bleep) city!

Per wikipedia, The Hobbit is 310 pages and juvenile fiction. Each of the books in LOTR trilogy are not only longer, but much denser.

Renaming "TV Other Shows"
to Profitable Television… it works right?

If there's anybody in the fucking world who could have benefitted from dying young, it's Michael Jackson.

One of the best AVQ&A in a long time
And if there was a live-action Troy McClure movie, I'd have lost my shit.

Gerri Seinfeld
heh heh

Wes Anderson

Guaranteed to be the best 3-D shark thriller by gimmick director you see all year!

There Will Be Blood solved this problem
by not aging the Eli character at all. He looks 20 during the entire plot.

As far as 1968 titans of British Rock n' Roll go:

But will Louie season 2 be on Netflix before Oct 21st?

Leviticus was mainly comprised of law codes written about 2,500 years ago.