Stupid Sexy Flanders.


Why is Ken Cosgrove in L.A. Noire?

you mean American Television history

Arrested Development has been added to the Classic section

What are the odds on opening credit bush?
I'll say slightly more than half.

I think you mean Michael Bay.

What are the odds on opening credit bush?
I'll say less than half.

The Pilot episode of Freaks and Geeks has two perfect music cues
The first use of the theme song after Lindsay says "God, I hate high school." And the "Come Sail Away" closing scene, of course. There's never been a better pilot episode.

"This is still a show capable of being funny, and it demonstrated that on numerous occasions in this finale, but it did little to convince me that it's capable of telling the kind of stories that will make me actually care about it like I used to."

Can we all at least assume
that out senior year of high school is at least in our top two favorite music years?

As movie ticket prices rise…
is there going to be a tipping point where people who would normally say "We're not doing anything tonight, let's see that Will Ferrel football something something" and will finally say "$12 for PG-13 fart jokes and football? Fuck that"?

I was just thinking that

This was one of the first episodes to have a non-sipmosns character be the A-plot
And it was an excellent episode to show one of its best strengths: the large casts of characters and the voice talents. Sure, there were earlier episodes in Principal Charming and When Flanders Failed, but this episode is definitely more

That Gupta!

That Gupta
What a pest!

What is the cash value of a Schrute Buck?

I wonder if this plot somehow coincides with his 40th birthday and he realizes he's getting older. Anyway, the trailer made this movie look pretty good. I bet Noel Murray is a little harsh just because it's "standard-issue indie." I'll look forward to this when it's on Netflix.

If there is a trailer that exists that is worse than The Smurfs
please link it for me. That was goddamn hilarious.

When this episode aired, Family Guy had returned about a year ago and was an bonafide ratings success that had eclipsed South Park. The two shows were often compared for being "edgy comedy" in popular culture. In "Cartoon Wars", SP personified everything the show as about, concerning itself with cultural taboo, free

The Hangover: Part III
The Hangover: Part III will be filmed 20 years from now. All the main characters will be shells of their formers selves marked the poor lifestyles they have chosen. In fact, one of their children will try to fuck their cousin. In a downward spiral, the movie ends with all of them dying. Also,