the Killer Dynamo

A superpowers drug you just rub into your skin?

What year was 'The Cosby Mysteries'?

You should keep covering the show.

I thought that also.

I don't remember which number it is, but whichever King's Quest had Alexander travelling all the fuck over the place with a magic map and fighting the Minotaur, and fighting a wizard, and going into the depths of Hell to make Satan cry was the fucking bomb. And that was definitely post-owl.

10 PM HUNG — After an encounter with a mysterious blue fairy (Lady GaGa), Ray's penis turns into a real boy (Michael Chiklis). Can Ray and Dick find the spell to turn Dick back into a penis before midnight? Sarah Jessica Parker returns as the horse. Series/Newsmagazine


Good spot!

He was emasculated.
It was a metaphor.

That guy he passed at the doorway was one ghoulish-looking motherfucker.

Yeah, seriously, because fuck that actor. Let's never call actors by their names, because they are not, in fact people.

Also, "I'm severely underwhelmed also. All those apocalyptic teaser flash-forwards they've been amping up every week, and the payoff is a quick plane explosion and a bear from the skies (and no body bags)?"

I actually thought Mr. Clean was going to tape it back down.

That's the whole point of the metaphor.

So, you guys are going to insist on calling him a name from character he played on a completely different, totally unrelated, much worse show, then?

How about the murderous greeting card Bender bought for Mom?

So naturally, everyone here is clamoring for new episodes of "Venice Orthondontic Plate and Denture Brothers"

Master Shake told me to go in the freezer, because there was a carnival in there.

Also me as well.

I think it's Charlie Sheen's cock.