the Killer Dynamo


I guarantee a man that fat does not have very good sleight of hand skills.

Gus has been a professional criminal for upwards of 25 years.  He has worked for, with, and against the cartel.  He has been a high-level manufacturer and distributer of illicit profitable narcotics for a very long time.  He knows when he can reasonably expect to be in danger.   He's walking to the car, realizes "Hey,

I was trying to Reply to Juan_Carlo, but can't for some reason.

Everyone keeps saying this.  GUS NEVER HAS ANYONE WATCH HIS CAR.  Watch the show.  Watch.  How often does Gus have people watching his car?  Never.  Not once.

OK, everybody's flipping their shit about "How did Walt know Gus wasn't going to leave someone with the car?"

A Love Haiku

For the record, Kristen Bell is crazily hot.


Nah, man.

I hate the people who love me and they hate me!

This show has taught me that there's very little you can't accomplish with a little bit of C-4 and a lot of balls.

I had watched the first episode when it aired and it didn't really do anything for me, but then after a long time of hearing everyone gushing about it, I tracked down the first season and gave it a watch.

Finkerlick Testrum!


On the topic of actors who gain and lose weight to play roles:

Why you eat no veggable? You so biiiiiig.

+1 for Zooey.

I think you owe Violence an apology.

Violence never solved anything?