the Killer Dynamo

the only interesting thing you ever did was die and walk around pantsless. RIP

I think he's going to fuck her a few times then frame her for all the shady shit he was doing.

I doubt it. If Hank were making some meaningful connections, they'd have thrown him a scene or two.

I'm a recovering crackhead.
This is my retarded sister that I take care of.

Maybe he's a drug dealer.

That really sucks that he doesn't have an official website.

A "strawberry" is a woman who is the "girlfriend" of a drug dealer, in that she trades sex for drugs. She's not really a prostitute, but not really a girlfriend.

I feel sorry for people who can only stand to drink one or two kinds of beer that is only sold in four or five places on Earth.

They usually just kill a non-union Mexican baby instead.

I'm definitely rooting for Walter.

Why the fuck do you guys keep calling him Q? I'm completely confused by that.

Jennifer 8. Lee?

"I have a message from Colonel Mitumbay. He says that THIS is from Congo Jack!"
"Well, let's just dump it in the sewer and say we did it. … Too much work. Let's burn it and SAY we dumped it in the sewer."

These bigots lack reading comprehension skills
These bigots lack reading comprehension skills.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything against homosexuality.

I also love fucking with bigots.

Only nine numbers to call to reach that potential slutty, slutty whoo-er. First one to confirm contact wins!

Great post, KilltheBrain! We appreciate your verve.

Here's the only issue I have with "Hate-Crime" laws:

That's what he said.

is Tornado taken?
how about Volcano?
or Rising Floodwater?