the Killer Dynamo

Well, there ARE a limited number of dollars. So it does mean that if Bill Gates has 20 billion of them, there's 20 billion less for everyone else to blindly grope for in the county fair wind chamber that is the US economy.

@ Arsenio: Yes! Thank you!

EXT. Baseball card shop - DAY
STOSSEL approaches a man sweeping out front with a blurry face.
Excuse me! Isn't it true you're ripping people off?

Yeah… but at least there'd be a DIAMOND in it.

Melon Town.


You know…

Holy shit.

Well, the thing is that balls are outside the body so they stay a few degrees cooler. Which means that when they do get warm, they feel fucking hot. Sweaty and hot. Thus, hot as balls.

I don't think you guys know what Goth means. You're throwing that term around a lot referring to Jane.

I don't think you guys understand what "sloppy writing" or "convenient writing" consists of.

Yeah. It was so convenient for him to get cancer and need money at the same time he saw that meth bust footage on TV with all the stacks of cash.

Die Hard is one of the all-time greatest movies ever made.

@Logoboros: Your points seem to be not points at all.

I'm American.

I submit: 'the Modal Nodes' is the greatest backing band name in the Galaxy.

I liked Ulysses. Although, I liked it better the first time I read it, when it was called the ODYSSEY! Am I right, people?

Wow, Pilgrim. THAT was an awful joke.

Rachmaninoff is best!

Frank Langella followed his Oscar-nominated role as Nixon in 'Frost/Nixon' with the underwhelming 'The Tale of Despereaux'