the Killer Dynamo

I think Dwight was referring to his penis.

I'd have expected mustard underwear.

But would you agree that Paris is the capital of France?

Banks do NOT record the serial numbers of bills in ATMs. Or at least the one I worked at for a year and a half did not.

You should swivel that treadmill to face the other direction so you can run AWAY from that fearmongering motherfucker.

Actually, they changed it to "NesQuik" like five or six years ago.


C: All of the above.

A DECADE AND A HALF? More like a decade and an ass.

You should check your RHYMING Becktionary.

Correction: the GREATEST American.

Dennis Miller LIVE was one of the funniest shows ever on television.

I hope your doctor tells you you have bone cancer, and you go through painful chemo treatments and lose a lot of weight and your hair falls out, and then you find out your brother is a match for a bone marrow transplant. So you get the transplant, but there were complications and your brother gets a painful infection

Nice handle.

She's into emotionally unavailable geniuses.


I usually just skim the recap and read the Stray Observations.

Is this a 5 or an S?