the Killer Dynamo

I figured he would have brought Skinny Pete along as backup, just so everybody knew what the visit was pertaining to.

…one letter apart…

"Spooge" and "Splooge" are completely interchangeable. They can both be nouns or verbs. They mean exactly the same thing.

the Books
I heard that the Books did the music for the film.

All over your face!

Yes. It is the same all over.

Correction: Splooge says the money is "FIDC" insured. He fucks it up.

Wow. The elusive triple-post.
Ain't I grand?

Walt's house of cards is starting to fall… But Walt, quick-thinker that he is, manages to convince his wife that the house of cards was reposessed because of the shitty economy. The writers on this show are marvelous.

Let's say three days.

Yes! Thank you!

My wingdangdoodle doesn't have a name.

Are you kidding?

Rochester, NY. For those times when Buffalo is just too metropolitan.

Her Uncle
So, no mention of her uncle, AJ Jones?

-Rich old ladies getting their high-heeled shoes stuck in sewer grates.
-Guy who thinks he's popular, but everyone else agrees he's an asshole.

Are you shitting me, Hamthong?

What's that, boy? Robin fell down the well?

Then what do you call prawns?

And Pol Pot!