the Killer Dynamo

Alright, everyone, "chill"! Time you "cooled" your heels, you're "skating" on thin "ice".
It's been "ice" to see you, but I'll kick your "ice" if you fail another firstie.

Sort of like "Big Willie".

@josef2012: I don't think his decision is a suspension of disbelief at all. He CAN'T accept his friend's generosity because of the guilt and shame he feels over what he did years ago. He's too weak.

You know, that really was a nice knife.

"These people need to either not watch [teasers] or make their own shows. But don't try to invent a problem…"

Dinner for Five on IFC, hosted by Jon Favreau. The guests routinely got drunk. It made for some great conversation.

Failed, with a side of leukemia and drowning.

A I D A.
Attention Interest Decision Action.

Skinny Pete is an oft-recurring nickname. Kind of like "Fast Eddie".

The kippers and Swivvens line is a quote from the Simpsons, tim_l.

Jesse's teeth
For someone who smokes meth, Jesse really does have some white teeth.

It was clearly the same Skinny Pete. Didn't you see how twitchy that kid was?

Leggy brunettes. God bless 'em.

Hi, I'm Troy McClure, you may remember me from such films as 'The Greatest Story Ever Hula'd' and 'They Came to Burgle Carnegie Hall'.

I've got family here from around the globe. Here's Jose Flanders.
—Buenos Ding-dong-diddily dias, senor.
And this is Lord Thistlewick Flanders,
—Charmed. Eh… a googily… goooogily.

For the Skinner / Chalmers "Steamed hams" scene.

From the episode with Mr. Burns's long-lost son played by Rodney Dangerfield, my favorite all-time exchange:

My favorites
"Just as I suspected. A Yard King. That's a quality barrow."

Nobody's disparaging you leeharvey. I understand how you meant it, I was just going off on the notion of Walt as a "good person". Because he certainly was a good person in society's eyes, from the standpoint that he never really did anything wrong.

You can't judge a place you've never been! That's what people do in Russia!