the Killer Dynamo

When there's a stupid argument going on, I prefer to go to the Seinfeld line, where Kramer says "Hey! Can't you two see… that you're in love with each other? It's tearing me up inside!"

I always thought he said "Feel the cheese."

Actually, the line is "To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems!"

I believe it's the God Waffle.

Skinner: Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouth-watering hamburgers.
Chalmers: I thought we were having steamed clams.
Skinner: Oh, no, I said steamed hams. That's what I call hamburgers.
Chalmers: You call hamburgers steamed hams?
Skinner: Yes, it's a regional dialect.
Chalmers: Uh-huh. What region?
Skinner: Uhh …

"Less chat, more splat."

Bart: "Turn the middle side topwise… TOPWISE."
When the family is all trying to solve a Rubick's Cube as a team.

…I don't think anyone mentioned her in this topic. There are three or four of those going up above, though.

I e-mailed DISHNetwork and AMC about the topic, and I suggest you all do the same.

Hank vs. Walt
Walt as Bizarro Hank.
Let's compare, shall we?
Walt / Hank:
Drug manufacturer / DEA Agent
Milquetoast / Alpha male

That cackling junkie was one ghoulish looking bitch.

He wasn't a good person. He was always so full of fucking guilt and fear and self-loathing that he barely functioned.

I think that was tim_l. Let me check… Yeah, it was tim-l.
He said it.

Each seaon of 24 takes place in one day.

Hear, hear.

I think that's the first time he hasn't called him "Mr. White" in the whole series… Though he may have called him "Heisenberg" once or twice.

Let's write angry e-mails to DishNetwork!

DishNetwork here too. This show NEEDS to be in HD.

That cackling junkie was one ghoulish looking bitch.

Too many, Chapass. Too many.