the Killer Dynamo

Skyler was looking pretty hot for a pregnant chick.

"The actors… [are] charismatic… even charming, and the script… [is] like a hybrid between… American Pie and Bring It On…like… Van Wilder [with]… [p]op-culture references,… jokes, and catchphrases… [A]nyone out there would want to spend time with guys like this—and… this movie has been made just for them."
-Scott Tobias

Those glasses are truly awesome, though.

"Didn't 'Die Hard' do that?"

Even if "nothing's perfect", A+ doesn't mean it was perfect.

[C]ut right to the chase[:] Jason['s]… thudding… entry… into the… asshole of… Van Winkle.

Kristin Kreuk [h]as the tit… like a first-grade Sunday-school teacher… and she boasts the energy and magnetism of… [AC]… Slater. Kreuk plays a big-hearted… pseudo-mystic… lawman. Chun-Li… doles out… complex and multidimensional… ass-kicking… Chun-Li understandably wasn't… terrible. … [A]daptation[…] with a little

"This movie has been made[.]"
-Scott Tobias

Two double negatives… Double-yes!

Please put the screming match on Youtube, Rabin.

Hey, Rabin!
Hey, Rabin:

Hey, Vic!
There's Kern!

He's not a spy.
He's a preventer.
He prevents himself from saving his daughter until an hour and a half into the movie when he could have done it at minute twenty if he wasn't such a jackhole.

"___ Two Ways."
"A Play on ___."
"Throw Under the Bus."

Vaffanculo! Vai in culo!

I believe Jeff was correcting him. Fabio said "Bunky bed" and Jeff immediately responded "Bunk bed."

I think you're the Disturbed Survivalist Loner Sociopath State.

That's what this show is missing.

Upon further review, the venison had no pink in the middle, the ruling on the field stands. Fabio is charged with his first team time out.

I agree. I thought the point of the show was to find the best chef. All these fucking challenges where they have to cook a seven-course meal in 12 minutes only serve to find out who is best at time management. Time management is an important skill for everyone, including a succesful chef, but we should really have