the Killer Dynamo

And the owner of the Cowboys is well-known for riding the Coach's ass hard.

Everything you bring in has to be raw.

It sounded to me like she said it once and they just cut that line into each subsequent episode.

Top Chef Seattle would be pretty clutch. There are a fuckton of Whole Foods around.

Fabio was the only cook of the bottom three to score any points. So purely from a points perspective, Fabio was better.

I'm pretty sure that Michael is immune to city police. He's protected from on high by his former agency. He can't get arrested for the same reason he can't leave town. He knows too much, is a security risk if he starts talking.

The risible thriller Taken has a message for overprotective fathers everywhere: …[L]et your spoiled 17-year-old (Maggie Grace) [go] to spend the summer in Paris with… Albanian Sex Traffickers. Neeson is right there with a briefcase full of high-tech recording equipment, giving her instructions… Neeson's readiness

You realize that if you follow through on your plan to have Famke, Maura and Tina that Liam Neeson will electrocute the shit out of you, right?

I just saw a bootlegged version. It's not really that bad if you're doing something else while it's on.

Well, also the Island disappeared from the area where the freighter was and reappeared somewhere else. So, I think that indicates that the Island is moving in space.

I don't think it's Rousseau's team, as I would assume that they would be French, and thus not named Jones.

Seriously. That four-toed statue bothers the shit out of me.

If you think that Sun, Claire, and Kate are anything but gorgeous in HD, then I feel sorry for you, because you are missing out on something incredible.

It's a double entendre.


Ever heard of Darryl Strawberry, asshole?

I wanted to add something to my earlier comment:

Also, Carla's really not that bad. She was instructed by Jamie to make something she didn't want to make, the spiced chocolate cake and other dessert were NOT her call. Remember? They told her "Oh, just make it and if it isn't right we can add spice to it to make it right". Then, when she was making it, she asked

@Stingray: They absolutely did know that the winners of the Quickfire would be team leaders for Restaurant Wars. Padma told them before the challenge started.