Is it sexist to make a sweeping generalization about an entire sex?
Is it sexist to make a sweeping generalization about an entire sex?
I've got to agree with Average American. 'Me eat sandwich' indeed, sir. 'Me eat sandwich' indeed.
That's because you're petty.
Hey, it worked for Joe Wurzelbacher! And unlike him, Toby doesn't even have his unlicensed plumbing career to fall back on…
I think we can all agree that the term should be "Bromantaeu"
Play Hard.
Fuckin' Judd Nelson.
Anonasaurus: Charlie was hooked on SMACK, not BLOW. Next you'll be trying to tell me it made sense when Sayid struck the same rib on Ben Linus's ribcage twice in succession and it produced two distinctly different tones. I mean… are we supposed to believe his ribcage is some kind of MAGIC xylophone?