Homo insciens

Wait, he's going to play Scott Pilgrim?

HEY! I'm TRYING to eat lunch here!

I, for one …
really enjoyed True Lies.

You intrigued me so I looked around a bit. Here are some possibilities:

Just par for the course, really. Ask any non-white actor.

Except for holding country-wide debates on "what it means to be French" (read: how do we get all these fucking immigrants to stop coming here?)

I can't wait for the sequel where Sherlock strips naked and coats himself in mud to defeat an invisible alien hunter.

While it wouldn't match the physical description of Holmes, I could nevertheless see Downey working as Holmes. I'm much more skeptical about Jude Law as Watson.

Damn this opium high!

Diem perdidi.

Die-rigible 3: Oh the humanity!
No Ticket

Let's be clear. This is not an M. Night Shyamalan movie we're talking about. There is much more of value to be taken from it than just the twist. Sure it has its flaws, but not every film can be a masterpiece.

Perhaps weird might be a bit of a misleading word (especially used in the same sentence as "Michael Jackson," but not in reference to him). I think the last two sentences of that article sum up my take on it well enough.

I believe it involved a pipe and a bowl, and … well, to paraphrase George Carlin, that's about all we need to know.

Somebody auto-tuned Nat King Cole?!
I think I've found someone in the music industry I hate more than Creed.

Plants vs. Zombies
Those guys did some fantastic parodies of the ubiquitous "PLAY DISCREETLY, FOR FREE" Evony ads.

Well … now I just feel silly.

Never in my life have I heard "U.K." used as an adjective.

Oh, and thanks for that site. It seems far more comprehensive than the AV Club's rather limited tastes.