Homo insciens

These comments really SHOULD have ended pages ago. If only for the reason that 90% of them AREN'T ANSWERING THE QUESTION BEING ASKED! This is not just for people to list when they think X jumped the shark.

Real humor is a football in the groin.

God dies at the end.

Not finished yet, but my impression so far:
The writing frequently reminded me of a blog I used to read called Girls are Pretty. It was also written in a rare tense (usually second person singular), would go off on odd tangents, and had a similar way of mixing the inane with the profound.

Nobody out-hams Brian Blessed.

Once they were men. Now they are land crabs.

Yeah, it was rather ho-hum - a few weak chuckles was the most it mustered from me. Hopefully it'll improve over time.

Oho, looks like you got me, Lucky! Boy is my face red! I have truly been humbled. From this day forth I will strive to be more like you, filling my posts with oneupmanship and lame CAPTCHA puns.

Failed fisties?

Er, and by "it" I of course refer to the voiceover. Lines like:

Great list
Some fantastic movies on this list. Major props for the Kind Hearts and Coronets inclusion. That movie is seriously funny (for those with a blacker sense of humor).

He didn't say it and neither did I, but at that moment, my dad and I were closer than we'd ever-

I was a fool to think anyone would want nude photos of Whoopi Goldberg.

LTK, if you're that upset about it, how about try making your own? It's really quite easy once you get the hang of it.

Seems like he needs/wants the money too, based on his WoW commercials (unless he's genuinely a gamer …).

You should of seen what he wanted to do. (It wasn't a glove, believe me)

When you're like me - in that several of my housemates seemed to have a playlist of maybe 30 songs, many of which are found on this list - you wish you had never heard of some of these guys. Any of the songs that may have been somewhat appealing had it all squeezed out of them after being repeated several dozen times.

I just learned The Roots are his house band, and that wasn't just a guest appearance I saw that one time.


So what you guys are saying is that that movie Identity WASN'T based on a true story? Damn.