
I went to see the radio show live when it was touring a few years back when Susan Sheridan was still alive. The moment Simon Jones and Geoffrey McGivern took to the stage (Simon Jones of course in a dressing gown) the room went mad. The end where they all bowed and then gestured upwards to suggest we direct our

As a very young child my first experience of THHGTTG was the radio show on cassette tape. I got really excited when they said I could have my own copy of the book. It took me until the last line to realise it was a joke. The fact that the address included Ursa Minor didn't throw me…I remember thinking 3.95 seemed very

I had a very similar experience with Silence of the Lambs. Watched it for the first time last year and the best moments had been rendered toothless by the endless parodies I'd seen over the years.

That was #1 the day I was born!

Baby Spice in the Say You'll be There video. I was 8. I rewound it so often the video stopped working. I didn't know what I was looking at or why it made me feel like I did but I knew I liked it.

He also doesn't say what his name is…It could be James or John or a middle name everyone has. Or it could be Vladrocksmithjr in which case yeah, odd choice. My Partner's Ex has a really nice name that I might use for any crotch dumplings we have one day cause it is nice…Maybe not then?

That was…surprisingly sad. I rolled my eyes a bit when I saw in the trailer that they were going to add tension to the Titus/Mikey relationship with a tired: 'showing up and seeing him with another guy and assuming the worst' plot. But the twist that Mikey was into the guy without realising it because he is so fond of

Just to came to check Prince was mentioned…Now off I go…

That's a bit grim when you consider the joke there was the only way you have not heard that song would be be if you'd been locked in a bunker for 15 years

I watched a random selection of episodes while I was ill last year and on the same day 3 of the episodes I watched contained plot strands about girls secretly loving it when guys hit on them despite claiming they don't appreciate it. I then looked up a picture of the co creators…It adds up.

Were we supposed to find that toast charming? It wasn't touching to me, it was obnoxious. Showing up to someone's wedding to announce I'VE REALISED I DON'T LOVE YOU AND I'M READY TO MOVE ON EVERYONE! would make you a social pariah in real life.

Shit yeah! Oh look it's all coming back to me now…Pardon me while I hurl…

I said the same before I saw your comment! What is it about it that is just so wrong?

I think this has been mentioned on this site before but Gummo with the kid in the bathtub drinking a pink drink and eating spaghetti just turns my stomach in a way I can't really explain…I am gagging while typing this.

A flight of Manic Pixie Dream Girls singing…Probably a Smiths song…and instead of candles they are holding their still working tamagotchis up in the air in salute.

Before anything went wrong that was already funny…Like the great Left Shark incident, people attempting to dance to high energy songs while battling unyielding costumes is just really good.

I find her disingenuous in a number of ways, but the most infuriating was her talking about sexual abuse survival and writing a big anthem about it and getting survivors up on stage to make the message more powerful yet she still seemed to think it was ok to duet with R Kelly. On a song called "Do What you Want with

Sorry I only just saw this! I love the line in the Sonic song: 'Don't doubt what he can do' because it is like he is saying: Don't talk s**t about my Boyfriend!

Ladies and Gentlemen of this supposed jury, I present: Keith Richards. The defence rests.

Well M Night Shyamalan did do re writes on this*…ULTIMATE TWIST!