
But the fact that he had an affair with his long term Partner/Mother of his children's adopted Daughter who he lived with and was a parent to when she was still very young which Farrow discovered via naked pictures does somewhat suggest he has few qualms about exploiting and hurting people in his family, no?

The list of people who signed the "Let him back in the country, go on" petition is super super depressing…Martin Scorsese, Tilda Swinton, Wong Kar Wai, Kate Winslet…And then of course there was Whoopi's infamous clunker about it not being "rape rape"

Sorry to be that guy, but he has a form of dwarfism. He is not "a dwarf" He is a man with dwarfism. There is a difference.

Well I think it would be harder to love Tyrion if he talked about planning to rape Cersei like he does in the books…I think making him more charming in the show was a good call.

I blame some of it on romcoms. I really do. Do you know how many friends of mine think The Notebook isn't just a good example of a relationship dynamic but one of the BEST? (Full disclosure: I haven't seen it. But I know the lead dude hangs off a ferris wheel threatening suicide unless she goes out with him and it is

The other week a guy on a bicycle got in my way as I was crossing the road to get to the shops. We both apologised in that awkward British way. On the way back from the shops I saw the same man and offered a faint smile of recognition, in my head thinking: "Man on bike from before…" (I know. My thought process isn't

My vote goes to Men in Black. It holds up well.

Don't…don't…True story: I'm a children's therapist now because of this episode

I think if I talked about Helga long enough I might legitimately start crying. One of my favourite characters of all time. So many shows that were aimed at me when I was a young girl had girl characters that were props for the boys or tokens or written and/or portrayed by people who didn't really get what it meant to

"Whatever horrible acts The Mountain has been torturing Septa Unella with could end up looking tame compared to what’s coming for Tyene. Don’t feel too badly for her though…"

Do you know the film director Sidney Lumet?

Why don't you ask the smartest people in the Universe Jerry? Oh yeah…you *burp* can't…they blew up…Ahh…whana na na na-na…

It really, really bothers me. I am not sure it would have bothered me so much if it hadn't been for the song (the one I think you mentioned) where she got all these rape survivors up on stage with her…I feel deep in my gut that she is disingenuous as Hell and will literally do anything to stay relevant but I have

I have noticed a similar phenomena in psychotherapy. A huge number of therapists are former performers and whenever actors get asked about what other job they might have done I've noticed quite a few say say: I'd have liked to have been a therapist because I'm soooo interested in people. (Yes the sooooo is needed)

That must have been a fun phonecall to her parents…

Great example! I believe the original ending had Julia win but the audience feedback was: We liked that nice Cameron Diaz girl so they changed it. One of the few examples of a film being made by committee that worked out way better.

I saw the comment at work, made a wanker motion at the screen, my colleague (who is gay) noticed, I showed him the quote, he rolled his eyes…The day went on.

The thing I love about that is the next scene when Christian goes (something like) Your Father is terrifying and she just goes: 'Isn't he?' in this really funny way like she is still trying to be sexy and playful but also a little proud. Her delivery of that line is so perfect. It makes me sad she didn't get better

It didn't really kick off till after he died sadly…I think initially his family tried to claim it was nonsense but once the accusers were in triple figures and most of said survivors had been children at the time of the crimes the family just quietly dismantled his massive gaudy gravestone and gave back his knighthood.

Polanski films play in the cinema…Mike Tyson gets to piss around at award shows…