
I loved the theme song to this and indeed any 80's/90's cartoon where the singer took the show super seriously…I never found out who the singers were but they just sounded so passionate about where on EARTH she could be. My favourite example of this genre though was Sonic The Hedgehog…I have never loved anything like

When I was a kid I was attracted to any cartoon whose main colour palette was purple…Bianca from The Rescuers…Gadget from Rescue Rangers…Oh hang on…Maybe the common theme was mice…Or rescuing stuff.

I really like Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. It is so rare that a "chosen one" character actually has a personality beyond: I'm audience stand in who is overwhelmed by my responsibility and am serious about it. I liked that he was goofy and enthusiastic but also had a hell of a temper when his loved ones were


The one I do the most is: 'Have a good trip, bring me back something French!' And that is the same whether they are going to France, Africa or the shops. (The big 3)

The one that springs to mind is when all the women in Sunnydale fall in love with him while under a spell and Buffy comes on to him. At this stage he knows something is wrong so he doesn't reciprocate despite being into her and afterwards she quietly thanks him for essentially not raping her….What a good guy!

Imagine if it turns out Hanks was a dickhead this whole time? Then what of us?

I really enjoyed the way Neil Flynn said "baby" Freakin' adorable

So this is a real thing? Louis Armstrong was right…It is a wonderful world

Every photo I've seen from that film he's wearing a black wifebeater vest right? The jacket doesn't seem very iconic…I'd quite like it if this was a thing though. Like a whole auction of non iconic stuff from big movies.

Who is Carl?

Seriously? Didn't it make about $3.95 at the box office? Were you the only one? If you kept your ticket stub that might be worth a lot now.

"Green, however, eschews the stripper-wear and lingerie-as-clothing aesthetic of pretty much every other woman in the film to spend most of her screen time…"
Oh thank God they didn't do the same tired crap with her, I wonder what the next line holds?
"…completely naked"

That isn't what you said at first. That came later. Your first response was to say "grow a pair"

I might have to rewatch this…every scene I keep thinking of is brilliant.

I think they would have campaigned heavily for it because there was no way he was beating De Niro. The fact that Mary Tyler Moore was presenting the Oscar suggests Hutton winning was kind of a given that year.

I'm sorry to hear you have been in similar situations…I can't think how that could mean anything good.

I'd forgotten how great that was! Going to have to revisit that.

You could be right there. I think that's why the film holds up to rewatching. So many great moments that can pass you by the first time.