
I love this film so much. It tells the story of family grief better than any film I can think of. But then I am prone to sweeping statements. Even though the Oscars are nonsense I am still a bit gutted Donald Sutherland wasn't nominated for his performance…I guess he didn't gain unnecessary weight or punch any walls

Decides Chris Brown is the Hill he is Prepared to Die on for reasons unknown…This is like when Gary Oldman stuck up for Alec Baldwin and Mel Gibson's use of racial slurs…Just…why do you care so much about this? Of all the things to care about…why this?

"he goes on to question why Aziz didn't cast any Indian women in his Netflix show"

I got into this show very recently. It is not big in the UK at all. I watched the pilot years ago and didn't really dig it and it took a very slow Christmas for me to start watching it via comedy central syndication and I got hooked. I don't love the voice over and I don't really enjoy Frankie-is-an-awful-employee

I can't help picturing her waking up, realising she'd not had a call from her agent, looking through the nominees in confusion, throwing back her head and shaking her fist with a howl of…: STRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!'

Pizza by the Shred. You're welcome.

There's an episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles where The Shredder opens a pizza place coz he knows the turtles love pizza and will eventually call for a pizza and he will catch them. However the episode is heartbreaking because he just seems to love his business and is a lot happier managing a pizzeria than

I will never understand why they bother getting people of the calibre of Faith Prince to do a thankless role like "woman who gets proposed to by reoccurring guest part" or whatever her character's name was. She is one sassy dame (look up her duet of Sue Me with Nathan Lane) I understand that being a jobbing actor she

“If revenge is a dish best served cold, then put on your Sunday finest. It's time to feast!”

Batman and Robin is at least hilariously bad. Forever was unwatchable. Even with Rifftrax I couldn't get through it in one sitting. I have no punchline. This was a very serious thought I had.


I am laughing just imaging them both fighting over who takes the bullet with increasingly ridiculous gymnastics.

Heaven on Their Minds FTW

Whatever helps. Within reason.

(Posted a version of this in the other article but just wanted to say it again for my own sanity more than anything else)

Thank you. I remember when I got the call to say my Gran was dead I started laughing hysterically like Walter White at the end of Crawl Space. It went on for a while. I suppose people we love dying is a universal experience that nobody can avoid but it sure sucks the big one anyway.

Nearly 3 years ago my Dad died unexpectedly at 58 and then my Gran died a week later probably due to hearing the news that her eldest and indeed favourite son had been found dead in her house…But it also might have been the hospital staff saw an opportunity to kill her off while we were not looking and blame it on

If you are evil probably best not to keep a diary…it can only backfire on you in the end. Shouldn't really sing your plans either (Ursula in Little Mermaid)

Nothing I have read about her condition sounds promising…A horrible echo of a family members death early this year. This is so very very sad.

'It's Debra Messing, you gays!'