
The paint brush went back and to the left…Back and to the left…

Is it fair to say she sells herself as a great actress? I am pretty sure that's other people doing that. If anything she's too fond of self deprecating: 'I suuuuckkk I'm so goofy blee bloop' shtick.

A friend of mine had her stalker do the Love Actually big cards thing outside her house. It happens.

Aliens. I liked it even more than Alien. It made me want to call my Mum. Cause she's as dedicated and awesome as Ripley not to warn her not to go into space. 10/10.

Oh God..I can taste smug…It tastes like…interesting…treacle, peppery spunk and self righteousness

Smith has made jokes in the past about really wanting an Oscar and everytime he does one of these kinds of Crash type films or earnest biopics it just make it uncomfortably clear he was never joking and plans to continue to suppress his natural charisma and look morose until we give him a toy. I think this is why

There has to be easier ways to do…whatever they are doing

And they were just teaching Bruce Willis a lesson about…something? *inspirational music plays in a folksy twangy way as there are a lot of shots of people riding triumphantly on bikes without holding on as the light changes*

I thought Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's sophomore year was wayyy better than the first and deserves some recognition…But what do I know? I'm just a humble kid from the sticks who should really be getting ready for work.

I thought the Bye Bye Birdie starring J Lo was a joke. Turns out it isn't. What a wuuurld.

It's great isn't it? Back in the day Mickey Rooney kept expecting to be asked but Hollywood was a lot more racist back then…How times have changed.

'Oh, and Heath might still be alive. Or he might not; I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.'

I find it fascinating how he held himself up as this moral standard for black men in America. When you think about how he actually rang Eddie Murphy to tell him to swear less in his shows…
Some art still holds up in the light of learning that the artist in question is a terrible person. I too suspect The Cosby Show is

You know what's strange? I am Scottish and live in England and whenever I need to do a cockney accent (happens more often than you think) I go to the Dick Van Dyke well. So do a lot of people. He has somehow become the quintessential cockney impression for those of us who are not actually from the east end of London

Nah you already know how to handle bullies…

I do like her and I bet this is good but I do find the 'I'll slag myself off before someone else does' approach to comedy a bit exhausting whenever I encounter it. It's like, I'm not your high school bully! You don't have to bumper every story with 'Because I'm an awkward idiot with no life…' in case I say it for

It annoys me more when people act like the stuff they like is no longer available just because it is not currently on the radio: 'I miss the days where I could listen to real music, like The Stones!' Well…put them on then? Literally nobody is stopping you

I remember reading this was a reference to John McGinley being jealous of Jackman because he was both a great actor (debatable but McGinley was impressed) and very attractive (not really debatable, just a fact), so they wrote it in both to appease and mock him.

Don't know what the thank you is for, but it made me do a weep so thank you x

What a terrible thing to go through, I am so sorry about your Brother's death. I think you nailed the experience better than I did: Grief, despite being so universal, can be very isolating. Without knowing any context (age etc) the other thing you might be experiencing is people trying desperately to find a silver