
The day Robin Williams died would have been my Dad's 59th birthday but he was found dead in February 2014. We still don't know 100% if it was suicide or an accident. For me, it was overwhelming to read so many people responding to Robin's death like it was a personal loss, like they knew and understood him, like they

Hmmm…A friend of mine went through this almost exactly (Her Father bought a wife and had a second family with her) and I don't think that experience should be discounted or ignored. It's pretty awful to have to see your Father try again with another family anyway let alone within that context. However I agree it is

Is this all a George Sr lesson? What a tweest!

Welp, looks like I picked the wrong week to give up cynicism.

I saw this on a whim in an independent cinema in the UK. The only info the cinema had made obviously available was 'New Tom Hardy movie!' A handful of people walked out once they realised that Tom Hardy really isn't it (A few walked out before his cameo, some after) and it was a musical. Nowhere in the cinema did it

I still say 'who moved the rock?' on a near daily basis when confused. Nobody gets it.

*Morticia tearfully nods*

It's crazy to think Lennon died because of this guy, some dude broke into Harrison's house and stabbed him and yet Ringo Starr is just walking around slagging off Liverpool and banning fan mail due to being "too busy" and saying peace and love every 3 seconds and nobody is taking the bait.

I love the idea that he has been pulling this shit for years. Just every film. In the name of research. And getting into character. Everyone in the industry is used to it and doesn't bat an eye but they also burn anything he sends which is why nobody has attended his last 15 birthday parties.

I think in season 1 they were trying to be a real show with consequences for things so it makes sense that was the only other time they took death seriously. But you have to admit the frequency with which Piper especially was brought back just in the nick of time from the brink of death was ridiculous. They even hung

Also, as was kind of acknowledged above, I love how death was kind of meaningless in this show until they couldn't get the likeness right to Prue. So while Mum and Grams could drop by whenever and the other characters got resurrected every other week suddenly they were all: 'You can't see Prue's ghost right now. Soz.

I am pretty sure they used that excuse. More than once.

I shared that link in my comment too! I rewatch this sometimes cause it makes me laugh so much.

Really? As soon as I heard the terrible Smiths cover I was reaching for the remote or failing that hurling my TV out the window…

The most unrealistic part of Nine Lives is the idea that Jennifer Garner would be married to Kevin Spacey. The whole man turns into cat to learn heart warming lesson feels pretty standard in comparison.

Oh God, I've not heard it in a while but did Trey not descend into constantly pointing out how stupid his Ex was for cheating on him and leaving him now he is worth millions? He just keeps going: 'Which of us is worth 9 million now? Oops!' and laughing. And farting. Great/awful commentary track.

Tim Spall is brilliant in Secrets and Lies and in pretty much everything. His lack of Oscar nomination is annoying. I know it is controversial to suggest the Academy sometimes get it wrong but I just thought it had to be said. At last. By me. Brave Cokieblume.

Jesus is just alright with me…Jesus is just alright oh yeah!

Are you saying Jared Leto shouldn't have bothered spending six months dressed as a recently robbed bank to prepare for the role? Or starting each morning by watching Candyman backwards while riding a unicycle made out of dead sparrows? Or downing 20 pints of vole blood everytime there was a full moon and all the other

I don't know what you mean. I type good. Nailed it.