
Look here Gentle Herpes, Jared Leto hasn't been drinking his own pee, learning how to speak rat and posting sculptures of owls made out of his own cum to old family friends and colleagues for the last 4 years just so you can pretend he doesn't exist ok?? Notice him! Praise him! Love him!

So Jared Leto ate all those babies to get in to character and it was all for naught?

I'm looking forward to the publicity trail for this one…After Matt Damon's whole: 'As a straight rich white guy I have advice for gay actors that they should deffo heed…' watching him wriggle around on this particular hook should be fun.

Odd choice. We'll see how it goes I guess.

So…she was annoyed she wasn't on OITNB, called them up and ended up on the show…I feel like being an actor is way easier than they make out if that is all you have to do to get a job.

Poor Screech…Oh wait. No. I just remembered: I don't give a fuck about him. Night night!

I love that I understand this reference. I regret nothing about how I spend my time and neither should you x

Rhea Seahorn. That is all.

Press play on the clip…

I was going to say that is not fair but geez all Indie trailers look exactly the same down to the wistful soundtrack and low key lighting

I saw the headline of 'John Krasinski has…a sick mom…' and the picture of him pushing Anna Kendrick in a wheelchair and thought: 'Jesus, I know that actresses get a raw deal with parts as they get older and there is a double standard of men being allowed to stay young longer but this is taking the piss somewhat…'

Of course there is. Never doubted it for a second.

Fathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I curse myself that my own stupid dazed grief prevented me from doing this at my dad's funeral. There is a chance I will never get back.

I have gotten really annoyed about the assumptions Sansa is pregnant because lines like saying she can still feel what Ramsay did to her, and Ramsay saying he’s part of her now are and should be about the impact of rape and how it is not just something a person shakes off even in this universe. I would be bitterly

'First we're going to seal off this pool…'

Charmed was the worst.

'Tell Bill I said have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up'

The day I knew I would watch him in anything was when I saw his Tonys performance. Dude had never sang or danced before and while that novelty has been exploited by A List stars miscast in musicals before, watching him attack the choreography like a tiny man possessed convinced me his work deserves my money. He earns

'I'm sorry for the realness'