
The tone of the article suggests they don't really believe her and yet they have the tenacity to post pics of her breaking down after leaving the court. I have never been on their website before and now I feel I need a shower.

First of all I skimmed read it and was alarmed to see criticism being levelled at a Parker Posey performance…And that she was in Harry Potter. Then I worked it out. My brain is on it today.

I hate: 'The nice guy was standing next to you the whole time you fool!' plots because I think resentful, bitter "friends" cast themselves in that role and wait impatiently to "win" because that's what the movies teach them and it is a bad and frankly dangerous lesson.

It isn't really about cancer either…Nobody is watching it for the cancer. The cancer won 0 emmys

I used to have to listen to the same Christmas CD for months working in a shop and I used to know exactly when it was going to skip due to scratches on the disc so the only enjoyment I got out of it was freaking customers out by pre-empting George Michael: 'Once bitten twice shy-shy-shy' Saying that right before it

Holy over dramatic shit, that video is fucking unbearable!

I don't usually go after actors for their looks (I am no prize, I can tell you that for free…that generic avatar shadow hides a multitude of sins) but Vince Vaughn always looks like a guy that is about to fall asleep in front of the Super Bowl after too many chicken wings. He must be one of the least compelling actors

People in the UK are pissed off at a Morning show host for hypothesising that Prince was an artist for girls because he wasn't butch enough for guys due to him being all flamboyant and how one other guy he knows agrees with him and David Bowie was the same. Now while we all enjoy a good 'controversial opinion' on a

I don't think Rooney Mara was in this…

First person I thought of. He is such a unique talent, every role I have seen him in he is just so watchable, he is one of those actors who I would watch in anything. My favourite moment in Willy Wonka is when he sings 'Pure Imagination' ANY actor from that era would have performed that all wide eyed and excited,

Danny DeVito playing The BFG is perfect. Why has nobody done that???

I was at the same party as Alan Cumming once and while I didn't go up and talk to him (a lot of people did but I couldn't think of anything that might lead to a non awkward conversation) he stood in the queue for the one toilet in the small flat like a regular person so he gets my vote for being cool.

I love this scene on so many levels, I am glad I am not the only one who cries at it. I recognise myself in the whole latchkey kid with a routine who likes their own company as a result. I love the angry hope in the song matched with his joy…even the little bit of food stuck in his mouth is perfect.

So Alan Rickman is/was great, Vince 'acting makes me sleepy' Vaughn wishes it was still the 40's and Mickey Rourke is a cancer that cannot be contained…

I think it was Touch of Evil where the guy at the border kept flubbing his line and ruining the shot. If I remember my film/TV studies correctly they dubbed him in the end…Or maybe that was the Goodfellas tracking shot? Or both? Nightmare scenario anyway

*canned laughter*

I take it all back. That sounds inspired.

I think people get distracted by how good the theme song is. I watched it a bit as a kid and I can't remember one episode or anything that happened but the theme song/intro images are so iconic that I think people just remember it as a great show.

That is the worst poster photoshop job I've seen for a while. Poor Shelley Long's neck.

'so there’s still plenty of time for Better Call Saul to wrap up its storylines and get rid of any characters who weren’t around in the Breaking Bad years'