
Didn't Phil Morrison direct Junebug? So yes, still jealous. It is one of those gangs of friends where I would blow my chance to hang out with them by being too excited about it.

Dude will do fucking anything for a pay cheque. Duet with boybands, play the national anthem on the roof of Buckingham Palace, help create one of the worst musical of all time…I genuinely hope that when he goes to bed at night Freddie stands over him shaking his head in disgust at the direction he took his legacy.

Let's hope your raccoons are in good health and you can make it!

That is exactly how she described it! It must be disappointing as hell for a fan. I went to see The Who (or what is left of them) a while ago and I remember just standing there with tears falling down my face as Roger belted 'See Me Feel Me' just feeling so grateful to hear it live after all these years of loving that

A girl I used to work with told me she and her Mum spent a fortune on tickets to see him, arrived later and was confused as to why the supporting act had been on for so long. Then the lights came up and they realised they had just sat through a Bob Dylan concert without A) Knowing it was him and B) Recognising one


Graham Norton is obviously UK based but I feel he is pretty solid. Probably doesn't hurt that he is gay so is unlikely to flirt with them but I just feel that he gets the best out of the guests anyway.

Ha ha ha! What a story imc440!

I don't know if anyone else has made this point but the HIMYM line about Barney not being allowed to end up with a 'woman with a normal human body shape' seems kind of uncool. Last time I checked, a lot of women I know are thin but still manage to be human. While I don't think you should laugh at people for being

'Where's Howie?' oh no! Is he going to miss the birth???

That run of reviews is so brilliant: It reads like an actual week to week descent into madness. Poor Sonia.

Hey me too! Are we in the same pub? Hold on: Lana? Lana? Lana? LAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

'In theory, that should set up a fair amount of jokes.'
Crappy sitcoms in a nutshell.

Me too! Who wants smoothies?!

'Yes, but when will the Friends movie come out???'~ An Idiot

And that Britney film where she was the nerdy valedictorian virgin with rock hard abs. They also tried to convince us she was a super talented singer in that film…

I think that is easier said than done. A lot of actors are pressured by their agents/managers/mothers to take what high profile jobs they can to boost their clout. There is also every chance that it was pitched to her as 'a Judd Thingy style comedy starring the one and only De Niro' and she went 'where can I sign?'

If you don't want to go see her then you are a white racist #rightsforwhites

See, I watched Buffy quite recently and I was told n advance I would hate Kennedy, but she was just so bland. She was clearly just tacked on to give Willow a happy ending but was utterly forgettable. I think even if there was free ice cream for life up for grabs I would fail to pick that actress out of a line up.

Dawn from Buffy. It was a part clearly intended for a much younger actress and either way it didn't work. Michelle Stupidsurname got a lot better but she was insufferable that first season she was on the show. I have never rooted for a villain more, I wanted her head on a spike (pun spotted and not removed).