
No…No…No…Wrong again. How hard is it to cast someone actually intimidating in the role?

The perfect crime…nearly.

What's a yoot?

I wonder if the job Mike has for Jimmy is helping him steal back his emmy from the (pretty awesome but already award laden) Dinklage? Either way this looks like crime shenanigans galore and I am excited.

That might actually be the most punchable facial expression I have ever seen. Just looking at it makes my blood twist in knots as I try and remember what love is.

Is it…me?

What 'once in a lifetime' experience have you tried and thought was kind of overrated?

She wrote a book? Are you sure???

What is the one thing about yourself that you wish you could change that you suspect you never will?

I love that bit…Mitchell turning purple and Webb's little self righteous: 'It was a Christmas joke' is just perfect.

How did 'Emmy Magnet' do? Oh God I just googled Super Fun Night…Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit rolling my eyes in world weary disgust

With a title like that you are kind of asking to be shuffled off quietly. They may as well have called it: 'We're going to run for years!' or 'Success!' or 'Where shall we keep all our golden globes? Perhaps in the leisure centre cabinet where they truly belong!'

It took me an embarrassingly long time to work out what was going on.

Birthday pie

Saturday…is treat day.

To Kill a Mockingbird. Quite good innit?

Goodbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee Moonmen…

He's a bully by nature. You see it with his interactions, his writing, his way of being. I read a book by poker player Victoria Coren who described a friendly celebrity charity poker game where Gervais showed up having never played before but still expecting to win and how he got really angry when he got kicked out

The doughnut the cop is eating in Home Alone when Kate rings in about Kevin. I always imagined it would make me not care much about missing kids too. Also Super Size Me made me want a McDonalds which was unfortunate.It also always hurt me watching Grease when Danny and Sandy order a milkshake, burger and ice cream and

I laughed! I cried! It was better than Cats! I'm going to see it again and again!