
Executive 1: Hi. I understand you want to pitch a show to be part of our Disney Afternoon segment?

Even when she is shoved into the C or D story (no jokes about her breasts please, we've thought it, let's move on) Ariel Winter kills it. Hell she even did proper acting in the tag.

Well if you are going to 'What?' me in disbelief: In chapter 16 when the narrator is speaking about Mrs Darling-'You see, the woman had no proper spirit. I had meant to say extraordinary nice things about her; but I despise her, and not one of them will I say now' (page 216 in my copy)

I love this version and never forgot it! I watch it every Christmas. It is flawed for sure, but I just think it gets the material better than most. And the chemistry between Pan and Wendy (I think I read somewhere the two were an item off screen at the tender age of 12) really sells it.

Blues Brothers 2000? *ducks for cover*

It has been on my 'to watch' list for years…But seriously the trailer was almost too good because I didn't want the film to be bad so when the reviews were mixed I stayed away.

The 'Where the Wild Things Are' trailer was so good I forgot to see the film: I just kept watching the trailers.

People can control their wardrobe choices. People can control how much they drink. People can choose the company they keep. It helps people feel safe to imagine they can control what happens to them and if things go horribly wrong they can convince themselves that if they change their behaviour around a bit it won't

Ok, ok he is the strongest man in Europe. But he still isn't older than Rory McCann. By any stretch of the imagination. And no amount of picking up lorries and throwing them across a football field while pulling an angry rhino with his teeth is going to convince me otherwise.

I think I struggled to suspend my disbelief a bit with this one when he wakes up tied in a noose suspended in the kitchen near the end. It was a shame because up till then the physical fights between them felt quite plausible with great work from both actors but the shot of him trussed up on a counter in such a

I tuned out when she said she likes nearly every pop song 'as a joke' Just…what a prick. Is it a coincidence that most of the people you get to do this are bland/shit musicians who are bitter as fuck that nobody knows who they are? Oh yeah, people do have the worst music taste…that's the only reason you can't pay your

Jeff Goldblum laughs at this. He is all:

Is nobody going to comment on him saying Miley Cyrus was sexy as hell for a young girl? Nobody? Ok I will do it…What?

There has come a time, when the lad needs a lawyer,
But Diamond is no one's best friend…
Fame goes cold, when child stars get old,
And they all lose their charm in the end,
It has all gone pear shaped, breaking rocks to make new shapes,
Diamond is no one's best friend…

I rewatched this recently and it does make me uncomfortable how many times he asks her out after she has said no because no matter how many times sitcoms play that shit, it doesn't end well in real life. Ever. But then pro basketball players don't generally have time to gain a second skill set in real life either

It's the terror of knowing what this world is about, watching Vanilla Ice scream 'LET ME OUT!'

She'd still win it somehow. And Amy Adams would be all 'Son of a bitch…'

I really like this film. Ugh that Trailer is horrible though…I know it is hard to sell these kinds of films but I was waiting for them to go 'And Fin is about to find out…that having friends…is not as easy as it looks! Derp!' Glad all 3 actors have done well: A couple of SAG Awards ago Bobby and Peter were in the same

Oh God the comments on that top link are DEPRESSING. In summary: 'Gay people and sex are everywhere…Even in innocent things like the Scouts… won't somebody PLEASE think of the children???' Also I love it when old, rich, white, straight men complain that there is too much stuff on TV that is not for them.

I love the way he tries to bail out before the end by going: 'Meryl will back me up…Right Meryl? Meryl?' I wish the interviewer had asked the simple question: 'If you, an out of shape rugby player with an anger problem who hasn't done any decent acting in about 15 years, were a woman, do you think you'd still be