
Trophy Wife! Watching Marcia Gay Harden drunkenly sing The Sign by Ace of Base makes EVERYTHING better.

'Also, uh, we didn't get the song I wrote this myself 5 minutes ago'

The first time I saw this it took me an embarrassingly long time to work out what was happening…

The fake eating on this show drives me mental! Nobody pushes a fork around their plate for 6 minutes without picking anything up!!! Is that the tweest on this show, that they all have really serious eating disorders?

Dick Van Dyke agrees…

Watch 'Boy A' then we'll talk

You should look him up on Graham Norton it was a fantastic episode. The great Miriam Margolyes was casually slagging off other actors and telling stories about giving random blow jobs and Tucci, used to being on American chat shows, didn't know where to look. Also there is a great moment when Graham tells him he

I remember going to see a horror movie and these kids came running in and sat in the front row, couldn't have been older than 10, and they were so excited…Their feet didn't even touch the ground and they vanished into those big seats. About 18 seconds later they were told to leave by a staff member but for that short

Also, after your stray observation in the last review, I am surprised you didn't comment on the 'We know Joe is not ageing like a proper baby, but just go with it' joke. 'Baby got talc on his head like he is old! Ho ho ho…We need him to be at talking age soon, our boy characters are dropping like puberty!'

The thing is, in real life, we do learn the same lessons over and over. So even though we have seen Gloria realise she is too cloying, Claire realise she tries too hard to impress her Dad and Mitch realise that he pushes his kid, it is fair enough that there is a cycle of them believing 'I have learned my lesson'

'While my Guitar Gently Weeps' Those rhyming couplets make me sad. 'I don't how you were diverted, you were perverted too.' When I was 8 I started a girl group to rival The Spice Girls with my two best friends. I composed the lyric: 'Going to a disco is not a crime, so come on guys its party time.' I maintain mine is

Hey you guy. The dames, eh? Yeah the dames. Stupid dames. Do you have any luck with the horses? No, the horses are all idiots. You know between the dames and the horses sometimes I don't even know why I put my hat on.

Nah, he is a tool. Every interview I have seen of his (Especially the Howard Stern one where he congratulated himself on tricking a grieving parents support group) makes me cringe. All actors are crazy, self important assholes but some have the good decency to use their acting talent to pretend they are normal in

I love watching people sing along to this in a big group: Everyone is having fun bellowing along to the 'Cold and lonely in the deep dark night…' and then it gets to the last section and some people just…shift. It becomes more internal and sad. I could have sworn I saw my friend's eyes well slightly while sighing (not

It is strange this came up I was recently asked what my favourite performance in any film was and this was the first thing that popped into my head. I think I enjoyed Junebug all the more because I didn't know much about it (I watched it as a teenager because I loved The OC and it was Ryan from The OC's first film, I

God that trailer was awful…'There's a game being played…' Really? How you describe it? A Game of Thrones, you might say???

Gary Oldman has been brave enough to stand up for those who don't get a voice: Alec Baldwin and Mel Gibson. Seriously GO. Lame.

It would have to sell out every night for 40 years to break even, but damn it, what do the people love more than Spider Men and Bono?

They danced at them until they ran away…There was literally nobody left on set.

To be honest it doesn't make any more sense with the music…It is not like you add the song and go: 'Oh now I see why this video is happening'