

It is one of those shows that if you hate musicals you will begrudgingly admit it is pretty awesome and if you love musicals it makes you cry with joy

In fairness, the ensemble are very well cast and all do an awesome job with their lines. Fun Fact: The woman who starts the song was dubbed by one of the 3 girls: The one who says 'sing it child' so she is actually saying that to herself…Learning!

I have always loved the guy at 2.29. It was like he said: 'I only have 3 words in this movie but by God I am going to make the most of them.'

Peter Dinklage? 'A pretty solid actor?' Next you'll be saying that Community is 'a nice way to kill 20 minutes' or Tatiana Maslany is a 'Hell of a gal'

Although I always get chills at that bit in Hey Ya where he suddenly goes: 'Why are we so in denial when we know we're not happy here? You don't want to hear me you just wanna dance…' before cheerfully asking me to fuck him in his caddy. I love that among the lyrics about ruining your polaroid pictures there is a

It is almost like personal taste is a factor here and you are both right!
*Sings Ebony and Ivory while swaying my arms back and forth*

I loved Danielle Radcliffe in that show where she played the young version of Joan Hamm

LEAD FEMALE'S NAME! He even gave a toast that was supposed to be about someone else but was actually about something in his own life…Just…Guys. Come on. The only thing that makes this look different from every other film ever is Dan Radcliffe is about a foot shorter than most romantic leads, so that's something.

I am saddened by the lack of *racist butler. And the addition of autotune. And the absence of Tim Curry. I'm out.

Top Tip: When a father of three dies suddenly at the age of 46 maybe don't use the word 'devastated' to describe losing some photos of yourself.

Good for you. Want a medal?

Gene Wilder. Just…Gene Wilder.

He was abusive to both his wives both physically and emotionally, was an entitled brat and had a serious drink problem. Your definition of well-adjusted is a little off.

He didn't need to enjoy it though. I don't understand why people defend the behaviour of characters they like. It doesn't reflect badly on you that he tried to kill Bran, honest.

This has brought up so many of my issues with this film: The first clip is why I HATE it. A friend of mine recently had her abusive ex on her door step doing the 'love actually' thing with big cards and is just so cringey and awful and inappropriate. He didn't have to tell her how he felt, he should have got over

South Park. My Mum HATED it. She made me take back the Chef Aid album to the shop which in retrospect was probably a kindness.

Did anyone else read this while listening to Ripple?

To be honest I suspect the writers have forgotten that plot. But we will not forget. We will never forget…Until we do. Because you have a life, right overanalyzingtele…oh.

While I think the series has dated in a lot of ways I have to be honest and say I cry at the last few minutes of 'Sex and the City.' Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha all get a really lovely curtain call (Even Samantha's last moment makes me cry cause it is so perfect for that character) and while I struggled to root