
The Double Fine Lets Plays are really great viewing. The Lion King one was surprisingly insightful & it was just hilarious watching the Psychonauts team cringe as a speedrunner exploited every glitch in the book.

Ah, old Frank's the kind of deft handle and subtle talent that wishes he could be tattooed on people's foreheads.

On his Twitter account, Leto did all but confirm that an inspiration was All Star Batman & Robin, which says it all really. Did Miller ever actually finish writing that?

I thought I'd never run out of things to say until I saw the pinkie ring. Now I'm speechless.

He's headlining at the Gathering of the Juggalos 2015.

He's got "My parents are dead which is why I'm really sad" tattooed in Comic Sans down his forearm.

So glad he has "Damaged" tattooed on his forehead. Would have been hard for us to tell otherwise.

I love how he needs to keep reminding us of what a wonderful, selfless and stand-out individual he is with his home-grown roots, charity work and hilarious award winning appearances on SNL before falling into a grovelling non-apology that's a step away from "I'm sorry if you were offended but it was just a joke"

I love how he needs to keep reminding us of what a wonderful, selfless and stand-out individual he is with his home-grown roots, charity work and hilarious award winning appearances on SNL before falling into a grovelling non-apology that's a step away from "I'm sorry if you were offended but it was just a joke"

The book is pretty awful. It's dull, the world-building is terrible, the protagonist is an old fashioned Mary Sue who's so perfect and beautiful and everyone either instantly loves her or is just a jealous hater bitch (female antagonists characterised as shallow bitches is also a trope I'm sick of in YA), the premise

The book is pretty awful. It's dull, the world-building is terrible, the protagonist is an old fashioned Mary Sue who's so perfect and beautiful and everyone either instantly loves her or is just a jealous hater bitch (female antagonists characterised as shallow bitches is also a trope I'm sick of in YA), the premise

Really enjoyed the pilot despite myself - I blame Sutton Foster, who I love - but hated the ending. It felt like a cheap shot.

Really enjoyed the pilot despite myself - I blame Sutton Foster, who I love - but hated the ending. It felt like a cheap shot.

There's not really a singular villain to speak of (there's a head flunky of the Erudite faction - intelligence - who's described as paunchy with stretch marks and typically bad) but from the beginning everyone talks about what evil lying schemers the Erudite faction is and nothing is done to refute this. It's just

There's not really a singular villain to speak of (there's a head flunky of the Erudite faction - intelligence - who's described as paunchy with stretch marks and typically bad) but from the beginning everyone talks about what evil lying schemers the Erudite faction is and nothing is done to refute this. It's just

The book is really strangely conservative. There's a massive anti-intellectual vein running through the story. Basically (because the plotting & characterisation are pathetically so), those who value intelligence over other factions are all maniacal power hungry schemers who want to destroy all that is good and if you

The book is really strangely conservative. There's a massive anti-intellectual vein running through the story. Basically (because the plotting & characterisation are pathetically so), those who value intelligence over other factions are all maniacal power hungry schemers who want to destroy all that is good and if you

I seem to be one of a few young adult book fans who sort of hated Divergent. The prose was serviceable but the world-building made absolutely no sense. In what situation would anyone think dividing a city up into factions based on a vague trait like bravery would actually be manageable? The fact that the poorly

I seem to be one of a few young adult book fans who sort of hated Divergent. The prose was serviceable but the world-building made absolutely no sense. In what situation would anyone think dividing a city up into factions based on a vague trait like bravery would actually be manageable? The fact that the poorly

Nah, saw it about a month ago (in UK). Good to hear someone changed it. I don't ask for much in films, but having the dub actually sync up with the animation's rather important.