Neil Poon Handler

This was fucking terrific. So glad to see Cronenberg World back.

I remain unimpressed. The way everything is shot is so dark and dour, and I hate how all the action sequences exist in a hyper-stylized world with fake-looking CGI backgrounds.

Thank you, The A.V. Club, for actually listening to your readers and making some changes. I'm so glad the comments are back under the Newswire articles now. You obviously care deeply about what your readers think, and that makes you guys have one of the best pop culture sites around. You guys rock! :)

This looks freaking awesome. Also, Sofia Boutella looks so goddamn hot in this. Wow.


Conspiracy Theorist-in-Chief

I would be soooo down for a reboot of The West Wing, especially if a great writer in the caliber of Aaron Sorkin was involved.

Now that's one cool fucking dude right there.

Or those bastards who pee all over the toilet seat.

Tom Hanks is a total bro.

Spoiler: we're all fucked.

Time to impeach this motherfucker already.

HOLY FUCK. WOW. Congrats, Moonlight!

Yayyyy for Emma!

Damn, Brie Larson looks fiiiiiiiiine as fuck.

That Na'vi speaking to the camera was pure nightmare fuel.

So this was Ryan Gosling's date to the Oscars - his sister:

Carrie Fisher :(

ANTON YELCHIN! Gonna miss that guy.

So this show is going until, what, 12:30 am now? Strap in, folks. It's going to be a long night.