Neil Poon Handler


Final score: 4,942 upvotes.

EVERYBODY PANIC! *jumps through window*

Be sure to join us at The A.V. Club After Dark after the Kinjapocalypse occurs!:

A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

25th Amendment. Now.

Holy fuck, that was an incredible hour of television. I was laughing with glee watching Drogon wreck shit. One of the best battle sequences the show has ever done.

Call for help.

Will it actually go forward, though? I know they've announced a showrunner, but the film has received terrible reviews and will likely drop hard after opening weekend (it might make $18-20 million this weekend).

Oh, man, he was such a great director. The original Dawn of the Dead is one of my favorite movies ever. Plus, I love that the fact that it's set in the Pittsburgh area. There's a scene in the film where they mention "those hicks in Johnstown" (where I went to college). I always found that to be hilarious. RIP, dude.

This was one of my all-time favorite books as kid - it's a quick, easy read (I read this book in one day during a school day - on the way to school on the bus, the bus trip home, and at school).

This was so fucking good. The movie is hilarious, and it's so goddamn fun. It had easily my favorite ending moment before the credits start of any MCU film: "What the fu…."

Congrats, Patton! You deserve lots of happiness.

Jumanji actually looks pretty amusing. There's some good writers attached to it as well who wrote for Community, The Lego Batman Movie, and Spider-Man: Homecoming.

I was wondering the same thing. I'm six episodes in to the new season and loving it. Maybe they'll announce the renewal at Comic-Con? Here's hoping.

The whole "Year of Hell" arc is pretty terrific.


Hey, Trump, what about the Seth Rich story that Fox News had to retract recently? That was "fake news." I don't recall you (or other Republicans) making a fuss about that at all.

Damn it! This fucking blows. What's with these stand-alone Star Wars films and creative troubles? This film, Rogue One, and the Trank Boba Fett film were troubled productions (the last one was cancelled altogether because of the director's issues). *Sighs heavily*

Fun fact: I Can Do Bad All By Myself is a Madea movie that actually scored Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. I believe that's the only one, though.