Neil Poon Handler

Yeah, this show is going to go loooooong tonight.

Well, uhhh, that was weird.

She was pretty hot walking away from JT in those panties. Goddamn, son.

Yayyy, Zootopia!

JAYLAH! She likes the beats and shouting.

Lol, I love the Kimmel ad lib there: "Midway through the show, the audience turned on Kimmel due to a tasteless joke."

Here's hoping 13th wins. It's a superb documentary.

Janelle Monae is looking freaking gorgeous tonight.

Fantastic Beasts was a surprisingly fun movie, and the costume design was pretty great. Well-deserved win.

My God, Suicide Squad now has an Oscar. Let that disturbing fact now sink in.

I am now eagerly awaiting President Trump's 5 a.m. bowel movement angry tweet disparaging the Oscars.

That's pretty baller of him.

Goddamn, they really do come in threes.

Why don't you put her in charge!!!???

Fuck, such a great actor! Aliens, Frailty, True Lies - such amazing work. RIP, man.

The President sure is exercising those dictator muscles of his today.

Thank fucking God. What an asshole.



This will probably go down as Trump's worst week yet, what with this and Alec Baldwin hosting SNL on Saturday. I imagine that the all-caps tweet rageathons will continue. Lol