Mark Nash

The nice thing about a short series is you don't have loose ends when you know it's gonna be short… I was hoping for a lot more of this.. even if it was all of Todd's lies being true.. that could have been interesting.. just having 2 be true.. and we kinda knew the Leeds one already was kinda limp.

Nothing is sacred.. when you have little to no talent.

As much as it should be the not-as-funny/racist/disgusting-as-he-should-be Pierce it's gonna be the mentholiptusy Leonard.

More stereotypical characters doing stupid things that make little to no sense without being forced into it… boring circular chats that just cover the same ground without moving an inch forward.

I so wanted to like this series.. but its so damn predictable and horribly cliche. The minor twist in motive was blindingly obvious and you have to love any clue that has a single answer that the pursuers can follow… hes gone fishing! in the only place to fish within a 1,000 miles.

My absolute favorite episode of season 2 so far.. its back to the feel good, self improvement motif of Earl and had some great one-liners and Burt is dumb scenes. Plus i like Franks increasingly frequent role of pervy weirdo.
My one problem was the off-kilter ending.. Jimmy cheated.. the 'moral' if you like was muddied

Aside from Lost.. do all J.J. tv shows dialogue suck?  I came into his work with Lost (tried to watch Alias along with Dollhouse recently.. and found the conversations so damn ham-fisted like they are talking to a 3 year old.) and now Person of Interest is starting to pick up. Its like they can't credit us with

This from the people who brought us:Randy Baumgardner, Dick Hymen & Yolanda Squatpump.;)(I wanted to include Buzz Aldrin and Newt Gingrich.. but that's not playing fair)

Yeah the setting of this feels all wrong.. having enjoyed the original i was glad to see things given a proper 90 degree turn for an American interpretation and a fresh new series feel.. but the dialogue and cop cliches were far too thick.. we get it shes a lone woman in a mans world.. you don't have to kick us

Internal memo from the desk of every American TV action/drama show producer in the last 10 years.  "Here's the way to end a series… just don't." that is all.

Even Seth says the show has been on too long and lost interest a while ago.. not that he cares with his pay cheque… this was painfully unfunny and i would have rathered a 28minute cut away 'gag' of a 70's country singer to not watch..and hay! think of all the saving on animation costs.

Being British i'm used to watching pot-boilers… but really.. is this a kettle with no bi-metallic strip and and endless water supply!

What a load of self back-patting nonsense.. Should i even try watching episode 2?

Bravo.. you made Will.. a man that made us love an unlikable ass… play an even less sympathetic character till you just don't like him any more.

Have the writers ever seen The Usual Suspects? or any number of its derivative clones? I think so.. god i wish this show as better.. it has all the elements of back-story, actors, producers.. just no writing finesse… maybe a running time of 20minutes more would give it room to breathe and misdirect without such

After one episode of Terra Nova.. come back! all is forgiven!

It was a lame ending.. as long as O'Mara doesn't get type-cast as a time travelling cop with flimsy stories and resolutions… then that's okay.

I held onto hope after hope that they could bring this around to the powerful drama and story of the first 4 episodes.. only to be handed the most ham-fisted, crowbarred in so-called twist at the finale.. I'll watch the start of season 2 sure.. but this show lost almost every drop of its credibility in those final

my summery.. they lost me at Dry Vagina.

Why is it when i see this show all i can see i Jeff Goldblum wrist deep in dinosaur feces?.. of course it was Laura Dern.. but i prefer it as Jeff somehow.