Mark Nash

You'll love the Stallone classic "Over the Top" then… it will melt your heart.

So season 2 kicks off with Sean Pertwee! Dear lord some top notch acting and a serious tone wonderful.

My wishlist was the same but with full time jobs for the mid season writers of Person of Interest who will ensure law enforcement will have a random approach to incarceration and application of procedure when it comes to police/G-man work.


Indeed and even more so the phrase "Last tango in _____" has a meaning all of it's own anyway.

Yeah on the Wire McNulty had sex with 2 hookers while on mic and on a sting and then lamented for 20 secs while writing a report that it was a difficult one to twist as it broke so many procedures.. on the other hand he was outnumbered.

Solid B. Some padding but not too much this week. The lighthouse guy actually made me LOL but the last 3mins were just weak.

I'd watch "Balls the Bounty Hunter."

Trouble is the show seem to totally rely on "Oh yeah! I recognize that so showing it me again is somehow funny." It's pretty weak humour with the occasional joke that goes beyond that. Even the title is the kind of joke a 10 year old might make.

Future science is indistinguishable from magic.

I will always be indebted to Morris for bringing us such notions as "Shatner's Bassoon" the area in your brain that defines time perception… and a deadly new drug called Cake: where kids will have a party and consume cake all night and run around obliviously happy for hours.

WLIIA! Do i hear a barrel bottom being scraped?

An A! Is Futurama really back at last!

Yeah I'm done.. I lasted 5mins before bored reached critical… last weeks was funny in how sloppy it was but this was boarding on painful.

Is it still ripping off "Raines"? Coz that put me off episode 1 so much I never went back.

I didn't understand the Leonard part of the story at all (sorry i'm British educated).. I know the concept of valedictorian but what did Leonard do that was wrong and was being exposed?

1channel.ch has a few working links to this masterpiece.

The show is making Dexter look like a tea-time kids series.

Ah!.. I see.. I got the Sadie Hawkins bit.. just didn't connect with the outfit… I still don't really. Thanks for explaining.. think i was looking for something clever or meaningful, purely my own fault then.

I don't understand the Deans outfit.. I assume there was a reference being made but it totally went over my non-american head. Anyone care to enlighten me.. *if there wasn't anything to it i'll be most annoyed.*