Mark Nash

God this show just rolls around on it's back.. it wants to be clever.. and then just doesn't.. its like a murder mystery where on the last page it says .. oh! btw.. we forgot to tell you but this guy did it.. for reasons never before mentioned… aren't we clever we fooled you. Dire.

A real return to form after the darker tone of the first new episode i thought (plus the theme of that story is such an american cliche now).. i love this show for its light feel.. the stakes are usually stated to be high but rarely are and that's what makes it such fun.. call backs and character qwerks in full view..

You have totally called it on this season so far and I was just beginning to suspect i was in the minority here.. the sloppy unrealistic writing (characters only do things because the story only works if they do), the painful dialogue makes me think the same writers work on Terra Nova in their spare time.