Irish Goodbye

Thumbs up, brah, for "dude, man, bro"!

Why not Garrett Morris? He originated the role….

Shouldn't it be Robert Reich?


@fastandsloppy: WTF are you doing washing your car early on New Year's morning? I mean, other than the bum trolling.

All the Yes album covers are Hanks family photos.

He has a toenail on the end of his penis!

The whole "Border Trilogy" is really good, you should read it.

Blood Meridian

I hope someone was fired for that blunder!

So, she named her album after her favorite sausages?

"a cool-looking space thriller with some insurmountable script problems"

What an audience of cynical douchebags. You sure showed that movie who's boss!

Stand by, and J. Katzenberg there will weigh in with what a terrible job Sandra Bullock would have done reeling Clooney in. Clooney 's character obviously knew this and therefore elected to die, right?

This post was tailor-made for you, Dr. Glad to see you got your page.

Maybe not one word…what about "one ping only"?

The official phrase is "delayed compensation"…..wonder how that'd go over with the IRS next April.

I'm an Air Traffic Controller. Still pushin' 'em, just not sure if/when I'll be paid for it.

Stay tuned for a 5000 word feature on how Mr Clancy was affected by the Breaking Bad finale.

The AV Club:
'…In the correct hole, mind you"