Irish Goodbye


The AV Club:
All Breaking Bad, All The Time

The AV Club:
Fuck All Y'all

Thanks to its success in China, get ready for "Pacific Rim 2:  Crimson Typhoon's Revenge"

This weekend I made a really nice chicken soup with lemon and orzo. It's kinda similar to Avgolemono, only with orzo instead of rice. Yummah.

One of my absolute favorites: a really good King salmon filet, cedar planked on the grill with a maple sugar and fresh ginger glaze.

"…elite breakdancing team…"

Haverchuck Pentecost.

I think Amelie should post the empty template. Fuck it.

B-Wang representin'!

"Different Light" is really good. I think it's their most consistent album. And "If She Knew What She Wants" and "Not Like You" are damn near perfect.

I know it's a fad flavor, but Olympic Mountain Salted Caramel ice cream is really, really, really good.

That's why I only listed the films I listed.

Hear God Laugh hits the high points for me.
The rescue of Solo and the whole section @ Jabba's place is very cool. Once Leia falls off her hoverbike and starts sharing a granola bar with freaking Teddy Ruxpin, I'm out.

'79—'82 was a great time for scifi movies. You had "Alien" (one of my top 5 films ever), "Empire", "Outland". "Blade Runner". "The Thing". "Escape From New York". "Scanners". "Wrath of Khan". "Altered States". "Mad Max" & then "Road Warrior". Also "Raiders of the Lost Ark"—not scifi, but fun as hell.

It's kind of a weak movie.

Saturn 3. The creep was Harvey Keitel.

Shanghai Garden, in the International District, makes pretty good hand-shaved noodles.

Bodysuit Man @ Yankees games

50. Next month.