Irish Goodbye

Brian Herbert has made an entire career out of cramming "Dune" prequels and sequels into the spaces between Frank's books.
Not exactly a ghostwriter, but still, talk about taking the ball and running with it.

John Varley's Gaea Trilogy would be a great animated series.

Why go see these guys? Here's the whole show:

More like Score is Wishing (He Had a Sandwich)

Whoops, beat me to it. 

I suspect insurance fraud to finance more hair plugs.


"It's not that I'm lazy, Bob. It's that I just don't care"

The god damn banner ad today is "Texas—Like a Whole Other Country"

As seen on the cover of "The Joshua Tree"

One from column "A", one from column "B".

Slight sequence change:

…and the gimmick poster "’80s Utility Creep Chris Mulkey" starts posting in 5, 4, 3….

Well, then you ain't gettin no Coke, knowwhatImean?

Not Me!


Fortune Tellers!

"Perhaps..[whips off sunglasses]..I can be of service?"

"That Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, he's so hot right now".

For me, "Both Flesh And Not" falls into this category. The few really DFW-worthy pieces—the Federer essay especially—are surrounded by filler. It's David Foster Wallace filler, but still. I thought the book was basically a cash-grab.