
I honestly liked it better than Hotel Dusk, but if you weren't engaged by the first game you won't be by the sequel either.

From what I remember it's two puzzles in Trace Memory; the one reflecting puzzle (which you can figure out without actually doing the puzzle) and the stamp puzzle, which you can complete the game without but you get the worse ending.

"Mila, the mysterious amnesiac girl who resembles the daughter of Kyle’s missing partner." The Mila that Kyle remembers as being part of Bradley's life was Bradley's sister, not daughter. Also Mila in the game isn't amnesiac really… she's selectively mute for most of the game and communicates to Kyle through notes.

I remember when Peridot was only in like… 3 episodes, people were saying she was influenced by Zim and at the time I didn't see it.

hey now, we didn't even get into the 3DS game that comes out next month that's confirmed to let me shoot one of my most hated characters in the face multiple times as part of the story. and that guy is way, way worse than michael. that's one's going to get me through several work-weeks

i think the psychotic part was in reference to me saying i was happy michael got shot in my original post.

god i agree about raf and aneska. this isn't the first time they've done this either (roman and petra) and it's pretty nasty.

thank you, i agree (obviously). the feminism comment i think…? was supposed to be somewhat of a joke but it definitely bothered me nonetheless.

i never said this. also, he's a fictional character on a soap-operaesque show. i genuinely was fine with him just staying broken up with jane; when she threw his giraffe away i was delighted. that would have been a great end to their relationship honestly! her growing as a person and realizing their relationship was

i'm not sure what this means. i think he is a very well-defined character with realistic flaws! and those realistic flaws are exactly why I dislike him so much. someone like sin rostro/rose or like magda are clearly "villians" and almost larger than life with how devious (rose) or how wily (magda) they are. michael

his dorkiness is not something i have an issue with! that's fine.

i literally thought he was going to stick his dick in the ice bucket to calm down for a bit while jane changed. not a joke

honestly it's a pretty average life. highs and lows. i might trade it for one where I was a millionaire but who knows

i don't want jane to suffer. but having her be married to michael is a very different kind of suffering. i want her to be happy and i want her to be with someone who loves her the way she loves them. the dream was for her to meet someone new after she threw michael's giraffe away, but instead they got back together…

this is very poetic! i'm honestly a little touched


oh believe me, knowing the show i genuinely am anticipating like, a coma or something else dramatic next season. (i've seen people say amnesia as well which i would also believe. probably both honestly!)

it's not the first time i've been called heartless. i'll take it.

bad person. he's been a bad person since season one. he's so selfish and the way he's treated jane throughout the course of the show is detestable. i tried to give him a chance in the first like… 10 or so episodes because it was clear how much she loved him, but he's just been so, so selfish.

THANK GOD MICHAEL GOT SHOT. i watched this over breakfast and seeing him finally eat shit is getting me through the workday. my heart feels light and free