
what, no mention on the fact that 21's full name is gary fisher?

They did a song and dance number for the episode with the little girl beauty pageant.

"And because this is Sunny, we're unlikely to see anything like it again for a long time." mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm not so sure about this. spoilers: in a couple episodes is "flowers for charlie" which is the one written by the game of thrones writers. so. we'll see I think.

agreed. out of everything, the idea that Marie and Skyler could patch up their relationship at least a little was one of the things I wanted most.

while the use of the song was pretty top notch (baby blue; my sister pointed out that the lab and blue meth are like his baby) I was pulled away a little bit because I associate that song and Badfinger so much with my dad, and the period when I was in high school where he listened to them constantly.

Walt pushed Jane onto her back. He killed her.

I completely agree about Gomez, and was especially upset that no one even mentioned his name until Marie did. A very frustrating moment in what was (in my opinion) a pretty amazing episode otherwise.

god I felt like an asshole because that was also the first thing that came to my mind; didn't help that the episode was called "ozymandias" either

Uncle Jack has always been a very dark place, ever since his first appearance.

so was dennis basically proposing to dee a setup for the game of thrones writers' episode or

this is a little confusing considering there IS a hank in this show

Less that they were lazy and more that's what Adult Swim gave them to work with. two seasons of ten episodes each, plus a long-form special that might be rolled into season six at this point.

I'd say definitely Billy's mom Rose. She's got the same nose as Rose did and the same pin on her lapel.

@avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus , I thought I had read an interview with Hurwitz saying that Buster was the only Bluth who would never have a chicken dance, but I'm not sure where I read that because looking for a source is proving fruitless. Hmm.

Fair enough!

… it IS called "x-men ORIGINS" though…?

Really? I saw the movie a couple days ago and SPOILERS

Or download it online and read it on an ereader or portable device or computer! Either way.

Agreed. I like him but he's kind of one-note at this point, which was okay on his first appearance but it's been… a long time since then. I'd love it if he got a backstory episode, flesh him out a little. That'd be killer.

Jackson and Doc said in an interview that it would be late 2014 at the earliest, but they anticipated early 2015.