
Look, I am sure you are a fine person. And as I said, your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. Neither the author or a random commentator can change that.

This article was directed at the douchebaggery associated with hipsters. It was a direct message to those types of people. Not the average person, with varied interests who likes off the wall things, or wears quirky clothes. Not the nerds who would rather play D&D in their basement listening to Iron Maiden instead

All I can think of when reading this article is "Man I am glad they didn't give this one to Sean O'Neil." Really can't stand that guy…

I think he would prefer that people not mention that they are doing anything other than watching the Super Bowl, for the sole purpose of letting people know how cool they are while not watching the Super Bowl…

Then why post? Actually, I get the posting part, differing opinions are good, what I don't get is the self-righteous judgy part, which is why you are getting the responses that you are getting. Your insecurity regarding your interests should have no bearing on how he thinks of the things he likes.

Hey, genius, and yes that is meant to be condescending, he DOES get a say, seeing as this was HIS post, about HIS opinion and YOU decided that his intent was to harm. Not saying you don't have a right to that opinion, but your OPINION does not actually determine his intent. Anyone with half a brain, or no stick up

She doesn't have a point, LOL. All he did was ask people to let him have his stupid fun, she decided to take it personally.

Yeah, he didn't ask you to be like him, he asked you to keep your mouth shut because no one cares what one overly sensitive hipster thinks about the superbowl, or anything else for that matter. YOU are the problem, thinking that anything he said was "ugly" or even remotely as obnoxious as the constant stream of PC,

You people are ridiculous.

Again, you are putting way too much of your own ideology into an Op-Ed piece. The implication being, that because his opinion differs from yours it is not valid.

You should just give up. Left of center ideology does not allow for any logic or facts to be presented in a debate. Just sit back and let them tell you what is "right". Trust me, it's easier that way.

You can't fathom? Of course not. An ideology that promotes social equality regardless of contribution and that is willing to bankrupt the country to accomplish that goal… Yeah, how could anyone fathom that comparison. You see what you want to see, just like most Americans.

Can you read? You are applying intent to the authors words based on O'Neils headline and your own ideology.

Again, you missed the point. Even if it HAD been partisan, the message would not have been off base. I did not say that it was or it wasn't. Nothing he said was so ridiculous as to warrant dismissal without thought.

And there is your problem.

No. I am actually capable of looking at things objectively, a skill that you and the other posters apparently do not possess. But, hey, what can ya do. I am often amazed that people with your ideology can figure out a computer, let alone string some sentences together. At least you tried to make a point, I will

"So he's bitching that Obama has not appointed an Entertainment Czar to dictate what the American people can and cannot watch, because those damn liberals are only too happy to let you watch a stupid zombie show?"

What exactly is your point? Honestly? Have you a case to disprove anything that was said in the article? So what if it was partisan? Do people pay more attention to pup culture than real world events? Is this a sign of the apathy created by a caretaker government.

I don't need to make my point. The point of the article is as clear as can be. I know you fucktards aren't going to get it, I am just trying to see you might be able to come up with something coherent between the lot of you… So far, other than some of the standard "we hate anything that isn't what we like"

You are a dumbass, plain and simple. The article was VERY straightforward. Nothing that was said, has not been said before by all media. "Pop-culture is rotting our brains…" Pushing some idiotic liberal/conservative nonsense into the mix, well that just makes you, as stated, a dumbass.