
I have a crazy idea for the reboot story. Take the original Richard Matheson book, don't change anything, the end.


"Elsewhere, Oldman also stood up for Mel Gibson’s racist rants and Alec Baldwin’s homophobic outbursts,"

Nice to know that the people who post here are as uniformed and snarky about tech as they are everything else…

His intent was stated clearly in the article. Hell, it was stated clearly in the title. By claiming it as an "attack" the people "offended" are implying that he is not entitled to that opinion, which is simply ridiculous. By taking "offense" to something directed at a stereotype, a generalized view of the

1600 comments in and the "neo-cool kids" still feeling like this was an attack… Sigh.


You are delusional. If you think society is not being guided at least in part by a particular ideology, then you are just not paying attention.

Yeah I thought that comparison was pretty silly myself.

OK, I am a little baffled as to how you could have so completely missed the point of both the article and of the responses to the people whining about it being "offensive".

I don't know if that is true, but it is definitely funny.

If we lived in a society where people had a big Proust reading party annually I would hope we had the decency to kick our own asses the day after. Kind of like a hangover.

I am sorry, but people seriously need to "get over it". Society is not out to get you(figurative you, not actually you Dirk), no one is coming for you with wedgies and lunch money extortion on the brain.

The only people who take it as whining are the people he was referring too…

Funny how no one who posts on this site complains when the rant is a nerd centric affirmation of whatever it is they think is cool. I bet is some crappy band like Superchunk was playing the halftime show things would be different, LOL

Right, because you are so ridiculously insightful. The article didn't attack anyone. It didn't call anyone out, and it didn't take itself seriously. The people who were offended, took it personally, because they have the idea that they are somehow the center of the known universe. And if something bothers them, then

Hipsters by nature are caricatures, that is kind of the point of the term. It would be like you saying hating "jocks" is worse than being a 7' 300lb neanderthal who drinks bear for breakfast. Not all people who play sports are "jocks" and not all people who have varied interests and march to their own drum are

I am pretty sure nothing is worse than a hipster, and so long as people get offended by a tongue in cheek look how people react to "the game", questioning the extent to which political correctness has permeated society is about as insightful as you can get on these boards.

Well, I don't know that for 100% sure, and other than some banter, I have no real reason to think otherwise, so yeah, there is that…

It's cool, I don't post here for the up votes LOL. And I do really despise the musings of O'Neil…