
Before he was Gowron, O'Reilly had a bit part as a gangster in a Dixon Hill holodeck scene. He shouted, tried to kill Picard. Basically a Klingon in a suit.

You said it, Rainbow Sherbert. When I saw that face on the ground it was so incredibly silly it actually made me realize the entire film works better as a comedy than anything else.

Nerd Love
I am geeking out a bit at the sight of Omega Supreme up there - but what's with the codpiece? Do Transformers have robo-genitals?

Yeah, "earthbound" should not be capitalized unless you're talking about a video game title.

It is!

Yay 2d, meh 3D. Thanks!

yeah, seriously, where are these pics?

Good Ol' Dracula's Castle
People have mentioned the new Castlevania "Harmony of Despair" but no one seems to have any information on it - other than it existing in a larger XBLA trailer. It's allegedly coming out this summer, so I would think it would be on the show floor AND playable at this point.

"What on earth did NBC have to lose?"

Seriously, "ugly-ass sprites"? I admit that Capcom used some very low-rez material a lot longer than they should have in the crossover games (Morrigan in Marvel vs Capcom 2 is a virtual cobweb) but deriding their past efforts as "ugly" does not sit right with me.

Tracy's ice cream flavor
Dammit, I laughed and then immediately forgot what Tracy's Ben & Jerry's flavor was called. Something to do with raisins?

Everything save for the House/dying man stuff was awful. 35 minutes of characters describing themselves and announcing the other person's problems aloud. Throw in two subplots of Komedy that weren't funny and a predictable "trapped exes fuck" story and this is a D episode.

I see what you did there. Enjoy your space virus.

I think the "beard=quality" idea would hold more weight if Season 2 (when the beard first appears) wasn't resoundingly awful. The writers' strike gave them only 22 episodes and at least 15 of them are lousy.

I'd pay $20 for it in HD with perks, but not on Wii.

or match? I always thought it was a match.

Costly but I Cannot Refuse
$12 for a port of a freeware PC game is pretty steep, but I feel compelled to buy this. Other publishers take note: pull this jacked-up price out of your ass again and I'll laugh in your face. Only Cave Story could warrant such a tremendous mark-up.

This is the first episode of The Office that I gave up watching halfway through. It's not that I didn't laugh, it was just such a chore to endure. I had hoped they would manage to avoid the pitfall of the cliched "sitcom birth" episode, but then they spend almost twenty minutes teasing whether or not Pam would get to

Hostesses are not whores. Regardless, SEGA ineptly opted to remove those clubs from Yakuza 3 in English, along with scores of other mini-games (there's a running tally on the web someplace else). All so it could be released now in the busiest March in recent memory! Great job!

That's oil, actually. Red oil.