
Yeah, the Tales from the Crypt TV show may have taken its name from one EC publication but it drew on material from many different books. I guess "The EC Comics Half-Hour of Murderous Irony" would have been less-catchy.

For the curious…
Pierce really did tweet about Jeff dating the Professor

Thanks for that Gawker link, toast.

Ron owned the show tonight. Every line was terrific, the post-credits scene was perfect, and that animated GIF sums up how awesome he is.

Was that a real production of A Christmas Carol or one they cooked up? It didn't sound very good and it looked bland yet oddly crisp for a B&W film.

Ungrateful Basterds
Surprised to see no mention of Christoph Waltz on this list. He completely ruled over all in Inglorious Basterds, acting in four different languages along the way. It was practically a one-man show.

I'm just happy to see ABC went with actual Japanese actors instead of taking the Heroes approach. They also had a much more convincing fake-Tokyo than Heroes ever did.

Surprised by this negativity
I played the first world today with a friend and had a very good time. The simultaneous co-op amused more than it frustrated - for every accidental kill we had two or three chuckle-inducing moments where we bumped/threw one another to new heights.

Am I the only one who thinks this episode tied directly into that controversial video clip promoting Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 that came out and was quickly pulled? The clip slipped in a none-too-subtle jibe against "fags" (not in a gay way) but that didn't stop people from getting outraged. I know Matt

Links, Credits
Please provide a working link for the Castlevania game. The one at present goes to the Hell is Other People game.

…to see so much hate/apathy for this one. I loved it. Turning Butters into a pimp yet not making him abusive or angry in the slightest was hilarious, and the cop's increasing decent into "undercover" work had a pretty funny payoff.

Ladies Crave Romance, Children
Again, I'm a little miffed that the female characters on the show are having such distinctly ladylike flash forwards. Two new major players were introduced this week. One saw her wedding day, the other saw her caring for a little boy who called her "mommy."

It's Halpert, not Halpern. Pam even said the name aloud after reading it on her wedding gift.

Ladies Be Having Issues
Was anyone else a little miffed at how the two prominent female characters in the show so far (not counting the creepy kids) had distinctly feminine, personal flashforwards? One lady sees herself with another man, the other sees herself pregnant. No real sense of larger mystery or hints at

Calculated or Coincidence?
Were the filmmakers intentionally messing with us by using Eugene Levy to deliver a "America is Awesome" moment (as he's actually Canadian)? Or was he just a funny person who happened to be available?

Alternate Venue?
I would love to listen to these songs but Lala refuses to let me hear them because - OMG - I don't live in the United States. Anybody know another (legal) way to check this out, or am I forced to pirate away?

Met a few, but the oddest one?
Once upon a time, Robert Klein complimented me on my Mortal Kombat (II) skills in a movie theater.

Late, schmate. I'm just glad they ditched the silly bullet points and have revised/refreshed their review staff. The increase in quality is worth the slight delay.

D for disappointed, perhaps
…but this game is better than that. This controls as well as any other King of Fighters game, which is a good thing. The limited roster, the meager number of backgrounds, the lack of other gameplay modes - these are all indications that this game is not what it could (or SHOULD) be. But

Too bad the hacking in BioShock is more rewarding than this entire game. Droplitz isn't so much a puzzler as it is a frantic race to nowhere.