
Too Much, Too Fast
I would have liked this game a lot more if there were only one "source" at the top and if the drops didn't start right away. As it is, this game induces panic in me more than anything else, and I really don't need that kind of pressure from a video game right now.

Minor Correction
Tea Leoni does not play a hooker in this movie, she plays a hooker's roommate who apparently is OK with tagging along with a hooker to a hooker party. It's a subtle difference, but one which underlies what all Michael Bay movies say about women: they're all whores given the right circumstances.

Too Late
They already remade Short Circuit four years ago; it was called Stealth and it was awful.

Bruce Campbell is in the very last scene of the film when Darkman disappears into the crowd. Also, being a Raimi co-hort, he did continue to work on the film when he didn't get the lead and you can hear him scream "JULIEEEEE!" for Darkman's voice at least once.

I know lots of reasonable, intelligent people who loved the first movie for reasons I fail to understand. Those of them who have seen the second say its more of the same and that's OK with them.

His Wife
…is Tabitha Soren, if I recall correctly.

Saw it in a nearly-empty theater outside Danbury, CT. I was a bit high, I must admit, but I laughed non-stop. That ranks as one of my favorite movie theater experiences ever.

"Easy to view" my ass
Maybe if you in the States Hulu is cool, but to the rest of the world it's a never-ended parade of bullshit apologies because "this video is not available in your region." Do they think non-Americans (or Americans who live abroad, like me) somehow cannot understand the programming or the

Bill Duke
…hasn't aged a day in twenty-five years. How the hell is that possible?

Painfully Silent
This is one of those Random Roles that should have been recorded with snippets posted on the site. Much like Billy West, this man's voice needs to be heard!

I wonder what hurt Watchmen the most, the lack of any known celebrities, the hard R or the dark tone/length? It can't be the reviews because half of the comic book movies out there are savaged by the press.

I see what you did there, Jimmy James.

My Only Question
Does the action on one half of the screen wait for you to play on the other side? That is, while you're fooling around with blocks on the lower screen, are enemies still threatening Henry on the top screen? If so, I am intrigued. If not, this will evoke bad memories of The World Ends With You.

Indie or Not,
…PixelJunk Eden is still a tremendous game.

I remember getting all the way through it, but only because I was sitting in a theater at the time. I would have changed the channel if I could. That said, I find the notion that I was "fatigued" nine years ago to be a possibility, so I will consider rewatching at some time in the future. In fairness, I don't remember

More or less, yes, the camera is behind you. Indeed, there were times (in the demo version) when my character felt like he was in the way from seeing what was going on.

True Crime
No thoughts on Torso? Hollywood loves serial killer movies and Zodiac proved that an ending with an unsolved crime can work. Or is someone already making that movie?

Proper Credit
The man's name was Mark LENARD, not "Leonard." Apparently it was a stage name, according to Wikipedia.

Last Stop - huh?
I thought the purely background gag of the subway station was funny…don't recall what make-believe name they assigned the stop, but that big red "X line" logo made me laugh.

Not Surprised
"In spite of Fight Club's eventual cult success…"