
I too mistake Keith David and David Keith all the time, even though one works a hell of a lot more than the other. It's just that they have two first names and I'll never remember which is with.

Look Out!
In before fanboys assault you because you didn't give this game they've never played an A.

Duran Duran
…still has fans, I believe, but they are definitely not a hair band. Good call, Kutner.

Somebody wake me when Leigh Alexander gets here.

I guess that came out harsher than I meant it. I thought the "TV" remark was enough to keep it light. My bad.

Acronym Issues
TOS = The Original Series, not Trek the Original. If that were the case, we'd be calling Voyager "TV"

Lipstick on a Pig
You notice Salma Hayek's makeup discrepancies but not that she's an awful comedic actress? I loved this episode and I'm OK with her character but every line she's given, she murders and does a poor job of disposing of its remains. It doesn't matter that she's super hot - if you can't be funny, stay

Believe it or not, there is a complete Grindhouse DVD set available in Japan, made all the more unusual given that the film did not show here as a double-feature. Before you rush out and buy it, note that it costs well over $100.

The only way Crystal Skull qualifies as a "worst of X" picture is if you are listing Indiana Jones films. Just because the previous adventures are etched into our minds as Great Movies doesn't make this mediocre film suddenly turn terrible.

Guess I'm Getting Old
Dropping in those "Rico Suave" quotes - that wasn't in the original, was it? I remember Dice but not Gerardo.

My Dad used this movie as Exhibit A in teaching me about wines and their corresponding foods when I was eight, maybe nine years old. One of his best decisions, honestly.

He's more of a "hitman" than a "spy," but GOLGO 13 is a direct homage/rip-off of James Bond. International playboy, fast cars, faster women…except rather than snoop, he's just going to shoot somebody in the head.

Was that, in fact, R. Lee Ermey in the coffin? It looked a hell of a lot like him but it's hard to imagine an actor who made one appearance three years ago would just show up and lie there, dead.

Good News Matt!
She probably doesn't think dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago and it's unlikely she actually tried to ban books. Both of those rumors are based on false assertions.

B- is the lowest rating I've seen for this game yet. I'm all for bucking trends, but your reasoning for docking this title escapes me. It's a great looking remake of a beloved NES classic with extended replayability via challenge rooms and multiplayer modes. There's no jumping for the same reason

Verbal Kint is a liar? Way to spoil a thirteen year old movie, sir!

Early Retirement
This list felt very, very short. Even though I'm having trouble thinking of a deserving addition, the entries that appear seem extremely brief. Jeremy Piven makes an appearance and you didn't include a single quote? My favorite was his frustrated dismissal of his spy's complaints: "I know how bribery

I wonder if future Dante films will, anticipating the digital nature of Internet video, include a fake "buffering" scene.

Beyond the comic aspects, I was just blown away by his very appearance in a movie written by, directed by, and starring complete nobodies. How did he even get involved in such a project? You must still have his number, call the man back!

What Timing
I just picked up this book a few weeks ago and I was planning on opening it today. I hope this interview contains no spoilers!