
Not At All What I Expected
When I read this article's title, I thought you were referring to the "Pixie" girls in Stephen King's CELL. Turns out you didn't write a whole article about two minor characters in a recent King horror novel.

Censored Title?
Does anything on the special features explain why the English title is "High and Low" when the Japanese title is clearly "Heaven and Hell" (Tengoku to jigoku)? Does it have anything to do with that rule that randomly surfaces and prevents movies from using "Hell" in the title?

This is one of those movies where the title ruins all the fun. If I had sat down to watch this movie and learned, during the normal narrative flow, that Al Pacino was actually Satan, it would have blown me away. Instead, it turned out to be a fun little movie with few surprises.

Games of our Lives
Thanks for setting the record straight on that feature. I always wondered why it stopped since Wil is constantly writing things.

AJR, that was part of the argument that won my wife over. That, and the fact that the PS3 is nearly completely region-free, and Blu-Ray includes Japan and the US in the same region.

I'll always remember Winston's work on T2, because James Cameron talked so much about what he did on the director's commentary. He noted how there were only a handful of digital shots in the movie (less than 10 I believe) and the rest was all Winston. Whenever the T-1000 got shot and those "wounds" would appear, it

New GoldenEye?
An underhyped game released well after the film it was based on left theaters…reminds me of GoldenEye hitting the N64 in 1997.

I loved tonight's episode, but one thing really stuck out in my mind as crap: House's "Lalph Klamden" Asian joke.

I never considered naming a baby Morpheus until Dennis told me to. He's a genius.

OLDBOY & Virgina Tech
I thought that was a purely fantastic, potentially racist rumor (OMG he's a Korean) about the killer being "inspired" by Oldboy. What's your source on that, Wikipedia?

I was sure this was going to be a list where I had actually seen & enjoyed all the films, but no…I've never seen Finding Nemo, and I don't remember Risky Business (although I'm pretty sure I watched it at least once).

Never Break Character!
Having just read Chuck Palahniuk's Choke recently, I loved the complete insanity of the Pioneer Village people remaining in character while their lives were on the line. The most awkward thing about this episode was the sudden Stan/Wendy reconciliation - I know they tried to patch things up

I suppose it's inevitable with two different reviewers, but the notion that last week's YouTube/WGA limpness earned an A and this week's SINGING PENIS earned a C doesn't sit right.

The Star Wars kid is a Canadian, so why wasn't he on strike too? Or drawn like the other Canadians? Also, the dramatic "gopher" is actually a prairie dog.

When I saw ads for this movie I thought it was going to be another brilliant Pegg/Wright combo so I was horrified by your C+. Now that I realize this is a David Schwimmer picture, I can relax and not bother.

Whatever happened to Dabney Coleman? I had to look him up on Wikipedia just to make sure he didn"t die.

One more reason I like this guy
He's a great goddamn dancer. Even seen that extra footage of him grooving on the set of Dangerous Mind? It's on YouTube now and it"s real funny.

…I can't watch anymore now that I live abroad, this is the one I miss the most. I could download it, I guess, but that somehow takes the fun out of tuning in to awesome STREET JUSTICE on Saturday night with a beer in hand.

Honestly, I've only seen about half the movies on this list, but BASEketball is only one I wish I could un-watch.

Laughter and Tears
I'm always amazed at how consistently funny this show is, despite its overall dramatic set-up. I laughed out loud several times watching this episode. My two favorites: