
I'm Blown Away
Everything about this article was great, in that the jokes had me laughing out loud and at the same time I feel like I know what it's like to taste that thing pictured above. I'm incredibly amused that someone at KFC knows about Patton's distaste for this concoction and that person somehow pulled the

To Live and Wang Chung in LA
Great call on this one. When I rented this movie the first thing that jumped out at me was the music during the opening credits. Once I saw "Wang Chung" written across the screen I knew the rental was a good choice.

Burying Lorne?
It almost sounds like he's blasting Lorne, with comments like "you do the show because it's 11:30, not because it's ready" and "he wants the show to be in the news." Then again, with his little "challenge" to us to make something better every week, he might really believe that's the best way to do this

You lost me at "Mortal Kombat Deception."

Am I the only one who assumed this episode would, in some way, involve Ludacris? Or is "Ludachristmas" a real thing that I am blissfully unaware of, which means I missed a joke?

Meh, it's "real" in that there are porn videos where people do that. But given the strictness of Japanese defamity/privacy laws, I for one believe that all participants are paid which makes it far less "real" than Wikipedia would have you believe.

What Does Diddy Do?
I chuckled when I noticed how Diddy is perhaps the one celebrity doing absolutely nothing to decorate the store. It reminded me of that TV Funhouse cartoon that featured Diddy hiring kid detectives solely to find out what it is that he does for a living.

Super Mario Sabbatical?
…why else would a review of such a highly-anticipated new release come out two weeks after the game hit the shelves?

I am beyond happy
…that we left the stupidity that was "feudal Japan." Everything about those scenes was worse than boring, it was insulting. Hiro is walking around "Japan" 350-or-so years ago, in the relative heart of the country (Kansai), yet every shot is of him in the middle of a barren forest or sprawling plain

Not A Strong Argument
—-"If anything, you give and you take, like the Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon admitted on the commentary for "Night at the Museum." Them writing the cheesiest, schlockiest piece of Hollywood garbage, but making money off it, allowed Reno 911: Miami to come out with no interefence from the studio,

Hey, It's a Great Actor
—There isn't a single movie where you see Gary Oldman and think "Hey, that's Gary Oldman." You see Gary Oldman and think "That's Dracula" or "That's Commissioner Gordon" or "That's Sid".

Yeah, There Is
IN51P1D wrote "seriously, is there like a Star Wars anniversary I don't know about?"

Following up on what "Liam aka gumbuoy" said, documentaries tend to shed light on something that is real and often that exposure brings about some kind of change, for better or worse. Take Jesus Camp. After the movie showed what was going on there, the camp closed due to the negative reaction.

Keep It Coming
That was a wonderful way to sum up that awful Transformers movie, thank you. The C+ review it got here was far too kind.

Blurring the Line
So it seems that the only difference between The Disney Channel and MTV is the latter is willing to use words like "bitchier."

Why Not?
There's no way any of these ideas could produce a worse result than Bay's Transformers movie.

I Object
Brian Doyle-Murray didn't just turn in a "cameo" in Caddyshack, he co-wrote the damn movie. Give the man some props.

He answered my question!

A bit tardy
This movie has already been playing in New York for two weeks, so this review is a little tardy, no?

Whale Porn
A few years back at one of your book signings I heard about the real whale from Free Willy becoming a chronic masturbator and the zoo officials attempted to placate him by showing him "whale porn." Is that footage of whales, other animals, or what? Was it edited to bring about maximum stimulation (i.e.