
Logically, Luigi is the converse of Mario, as once you establish Mario has a brother in Luigi, so must Luigi have a brother in Mario.

Jedi Knight was so damn ambitious and succeeded so well with that ambition. The story and characters struck exactly the right tone and were believable. In
particular, the level design in Jedi Knight was masterful and
underappreciated today. I mean, the first time I played "The Falling
Ship" and the sudden realization

Don Karnage: "Fire at will!"
(handguns fired inside the air pirate sky fortress)
Don Karnage: "No no no! Do not fire at Will; he is my second mate. FIRE AT THE SEADUCK!"

Just imagine how long and hard the Pai Mei tutorial would be for this game.

If they were going to have Coldhands, he would have shown up already for the passing exchange of #TeamBran and #TeamSam at the Black Gate under The Wall.

Or have her be the focus of an end scene of S5E1 or E2. Killing Freys would be a wonderful (wonderful?) way to flesh out (flesh?) the show to avoid eating too much of book plot in S5.

Who says the Spider was hiding in the Red Keep that entire time before he met up with Ser Kevan? His webs are complex, and legion.

And some SPF 1000000 sunscreen.

Brienne in the books, to me, was the POV to show the ravages of war on the smallfolk. That made her chapters kind of agonizing and tedious, though intentionally, so I didn't fault the book-Brienne character. The show doesn't need an individual POV to show the devastation of the warring, it's everywhere; so the

The dragons seem to sense strong Targayren blood, note how they seemed alright around Brown Bem Plumm. I'm waiting to see how the dragons react to Jon Snow and Young Griff.

Oh. My. Gods. That's Ned Stark's music!


If this episode's scenes with Littlefinger and Sansa had been spent on the Baelish lands on The Fingers (then gotten to The Eyrie next episode), would you have felt sorry for Littlefinger?

Wait… did GRRM make a Miyazaki reference with Howl(and Reed 's) Moving Castle?

IIRC, only 4 of them are of sexually appropriate ages, which is enough.

Worf's grandfather as advocate for Kirk and McCoy in Star Trek VI, played of course, by Michael Dorn.

Is that a Vince Carter shout-out in the middle of all of that?!

I get it; writing takes time, see my point no. 3. That's fine, and in fact, probably good.

I'll admit, Sansa's narrative has been simmering longer (longest?), but in ADWD I did finally feel like she was figuring out her own agency, and thus becoming a more interesting character.

The Zen mindset on A Song of Ice and Fire, or at least how I deal with it: